Heckemeyer, Jost H., Olligs, Pia and Overesch, Michael ORCID: 0000-0002-1531-0357 (2018). HOME SWEET HOME VERSUS INTERNATIONAL TAX PLANNING. WHERE DO MULTINATIONAL FIRMS HOLD THEIR US TRADEMARKS? National tax journal, 71 (3). 485 - 520. WASHINGTON: Univ. of Chicago Press. ISSN 1944-7477

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This study analyzes whether tax incentives affect the geographical allocation of U.S. trademark rights within large multinational enterprises. Considering the S&P 500 firms, we find a strong home country concentration of US. trademark ownership. Our results suggest that offshore ownership of trademarks is mainly motivated by foreign activities rather than tax considerations. An analysis of the location choice reveals a significant negative impact of host-country taxes but only if controlled foreign-company legislation does not apply. Companies active in industries that are known for producing mobile income tend to hold more trademarks offshore. In particular, trademarks of software firms and drugmakers are overrepresented in tax havens. European multinationals share similar location preferences.

Item Type: Journal Article
CreatorsEmailORCIDORCID Put Code
Overesch, MichaelUNSPECIFIEDorcid.org/0000-0002-1531-0357UNSPECIFIED
URN: urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-174410
DOI: 10.17310/ntj.2018.3.03
Journal or Publication Title: National tax journal
Volume: 71
Number: 3
Page Range: 485 - 520
Date: 2018
Publisher: Univ. of Chicago Press
Place of Publication: WASHINGTON
ISSN: 1944-7477
Language: English
Faculty: Unspecified
Divisions: Unspecified
Subjects: Management and auxiliary services
Uncontrolled Keywords:
INCOME; CHOICEMultiple languages
Business, Finance; EconomicsMultiple languages
Refereed: Yes
URI: http://kups.ub.uni-koeln.de/id/eprint/17441


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