Lhafi, Sandra (2017). The verbal periphrases venir a/llegar a. Z. Romanische Philol., 133 (2). S. 366 - 402. BERLIN: WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH. ISSN 1865-9063

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Based on the dialogisme theory developed by Jacques Bres, thispaper focuses on the pragmatic effects produced by the use of Spanish verbal periphrases, particularly by the use of llegar a + infinitive versus venir a + infinitive. It also takes into consideration the characteristics of each auxiliary within the respective periphrasis. With the ongoing process of grammaticalization leading to periphrases, some spatial semantic elements are retained by the auxiliary and the preposition a, which contribute to the utterance-construction. In fact, the respective auxiliary operates as an indicator of the type of relations between the major utterance (E) and the minor ones (e) convoked by the major utterer E-1. The analysis of over a thousand authentic examples taken from two corpora of the database Sketch Engine, as well as the classification of the verbs preferably appearing in the infinitive position allows a more precise description of both periphrases. By restricting the analysis to one shared infinitive verb (decir), we focus on different pragmatic effects, showing that venir a + decir and llegar a + decir involve a different type of argumentation. By choosing llegar, E-1 indicates that it rejects the minor utterer e(1) without providing any rational arguments; by choosing venir, (a) E-1 indicates that it rejects one anterior (e) - effectively produced by e(1) - and introduced by venir a decir or (b) E-1 mentions it rejects a series of minor utterances by providing an exaggerated synthesis the verbal periphrasis introduces. It is a synthesis built by E-1 but presented as summarizing a series of minor utterances (e) attributed to e(1) utterer. The aim is to dismiss the other's statements by summarizing them in a magnifying trait synthesis.

Item Type: Journal Article
CreatorsEmailORCIDORCID Put Code
URN: urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-231509
DOI: 10.1515/zrp-2017-0019
Journal or Publication Title: Z. Romanische Philol.
Volume: 133
Number: 2
Page Range: S. 366 - 402
Date: 2017
Place of Publication: BERLIN
ISSN: 1865-9063
Language: French
Faculty: Unspecified
Divisions: Unspecified
Subjects: no entry
Uncontrolled Keywords:
Language & Linguistics; Literature, RomanceMultiple languages
Refereed: Yes
URI: http://kups.ub.uni-koeln.de/id/eprint/23150


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