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Book, conference item or legal commentary
Scheu, Julian (2017). Systematische Berücksichtigung von Menschenrechten in Investitionsschiedsverfahren. Nomos. ISBN 978-3848739523
Journal Article
Scheu, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-0050-778X
Tagungsbericht: Frankfurt Investment Law Workshop 2017: Oceans and Space: New Frontiers in Investment Protection? 10.-11.03.2017.
Zeitschrift für Schiedsverfahren : SchiedsVZ (1).
pp. 34-36.
ISSN 1610-322X
Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. (2018). State Aid and Transfer Pricing: The Inherent Flaw under a Supranational Reference System. Intertax, 46 (12). pp. 994-1010. KLUWER LAW INT. ISSN 1875-8347
Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. and Schoueri, L. E. (2018). Brazil - Recent Case Law on Transfer Pricing: Still in Need of an Autonomous Concept of “Production”. International Transfer Pricing Journal, 25 (3). pp. 237-241. IBFD. ISSN 1385-3074
Scheu, Julian (2017). Report on the Taipei International Conference on Arbitration and Mediation. The Vindobona journal of international commercial law and arbitration, 21 (2). pp. 180-188. Vienna. ISSN 1439-9741
Scheu, Julian (2017). Trust Building, Balancing, and Sanctioning: Three Pillars of a Systematic Approach to Human Rights in International Investment Law and Arbitration. Georgetown Journal of International Law, 48 (2). pp. 449-504. Washington: ISSN 1550-5200
Schoueri, Luis Eduardo and Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. (2017). Interpretative and policy challenges following the OECD multilateral instrument (2016) from a Brazilian perspective. Bulletin For International Taxation, 71 (6). pp. 340-348. IBFD. ISSN 0007-4624
Schoueri, Luis Eduardo and Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. (2017). Brazil. International Fiscal Association: Sonderheft IFA-Kongress. pp. 191-215. Den Haag: SDU.
Scheu, Julian (2016). L’Allemagne, le traité transatlantique et la remise en question de l’arbitrage international d’investissement. Revue de droit allemand, 48. Société d'Etudes Allemandes. ISSN 0035-0974
Schoueri, Luis Eduardo and Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. (2016). The BRICS and the BEPS Project: an Overview from a Brazilian Perspective. Russian Law: Theory and Practice (2). pp. 17-32. Moscow: Jurist Publishing Groupe.
Baumgartner, Jorun and Scheu, Julian (2015). Tagungsbericht: 7. Tagung des Krickenbecker Kreises zum Internationalen Investitionsrecht auf Schloss Krickenbeck am Niederrhein, am 17.01.2015. Zeitschrift für Schiedsverfahren : SchiedsVZ (3). pp. 140-144. Beck. ISSN 1610-322X
Scheu, Julian (2014). Rezension zu: Gildemeister, Arno E: L’arbitrage des différends fiscaux en droit international des investissements. Journal of World Investment & Trade, 15 (5-6). pp. 1119-1126. Brill. ISSN 1660-7112
Book Section, Proceedings Item or annotation in a legal commentary
Scheu, Julian ORCID: 0000-0002-0050-778X
Menschenrechte und globaler Kapitalfluss. Zur Rolle des Menschenrechtsschutzes im internationalen Investitionsrecht.
Menschenrechte als Alpha und Omega des Rechts?,
pp. 169-185.
Mohr Siebeck.
ISBN 978-3-16-162552-7
Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. (2018). As vicissitudes do tratamento do ágio na jurisprudência administrativa. In: Direito Tributário: Estudos em Homenagem a Ricardo Lobo Torres, vol. I, pp. 341-377. CEPE.
Schoueri, L. E. and Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. (2018). Brazil. In: Improving Tax Compliance in a Globalized World, pp. 205-232. IBFD. ISBN 978-90-8722-452-3
Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. and Schoueri, L. E. (2018). O habeas data e a tutela de direitos do contribuinte. In: Direito e Financas públicas nos 30 anos da Constituicao, vol. 8, pp. 157-184. Tirant lo Blanch.
Schoueri, L. E. and Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. (2018). Taxation of Controlled Foreign Companies in Brazil - Still a Case for Article 7. In: Tax Treaty Case Law Around the Globe 2017, pp. 171-184. IBFD. ISBN 9789087224349
Schoueri, Luis Eduardo and Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. (2017). Irretroatividade e função extrafiscal do tributo: elementos para a superação definitiva da Súmula nº 584 do STF. In: Extrafiscalidade: Conceito, Interpretação, Limites e Alcance, pp. 141-166. Brasil: Forum. ISBN 978-85-450-0295-6
Schoueri, Luis Eduardo and Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. (2017). Justification and Implementation of the International Allocation of Taxing Rights: can we take one thing at a time? In: Tax Sovereignty in the BEPS, pp. 47-72. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9789041167071
Schoueri, Luis Eduardo and Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. (2017). Brazil. In: Tax Avoidance Revisited in the EU BEPS Context, pp. 199-232. IBFD. ISBN 9789087224226
Schoueri, Luis Eduardo and Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. (2017). Brazil. In: The Impact of Bilateral Investment Treaties on Taxation, pp. 149-176. IBFD. ISBN 9789087224318
Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. and Galdino, G. (2016). Desafios da Economia Digital: do problema hermenêutico ao Desequilíbrio na Alocação de Jurisdição. In: A tributação internacional na Era pós-BEPS: soluções globais e peculiaridades de países em desenvolvimento, pp. 285-317. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris. ISBN 978-8551915974
Schoueri, Luis Eduardo and Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. (2016). Human Rights and Taxation: due process of law and transparency under the Brazilian Constitution. In: Derecho Tributario y Derechos Humanos. Diálogo en México y el Mundo, pp. 459-484. Tirant lo Blanch. ISBN 9788491433477
Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. (2016). A defesa da concorrência no setor farmacêutico: litígios e acordos anticoncorrenciais. In: Ideias em Competição - 5 anos do Prêmio IBRAC-TIM, pp. 261-280. Sao Paulo: Singular. ISBN 978-85-866-2678-4
Schoueri, Luis Eduardo and Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. (2015). Transparência Fiscal e Reciprocidade nas Perspectivas Interna e Internacional. In: Grandes Questões Atuais do Direito Tributário, pp. 248-287. Sao Paulo: Dialectica.
Galendi, Ricardo Andre Jr. (2015). Fundamentos da Tributação de Lucros no Exterior: entre competitividade e harmonização. In: Direito Tributário Atual, v. 33, p. 389. Sao Paulo: LBDT.