Egetenmeyer, Jakob ORCID: 0000-0003-2394-9545 (2020). The prominence value of the temporal anchor of free indirect discourse: A comparison with the perspectival center. Discours, 27. pp. 3-40.

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Free indirect discourse (FID) is a kind of speech or thought representation that lacks specific marking. The entity to whom the speech or thought is attributed (the perspectival center) has been shown to be a contextually available prominent protagonist (see Hinterwimmer, 2019). A shortcoming of the literature is that it ignores the problem of the temporal anchoring of FID events. The present article is dedicated to such anchors. It focuses on their prominence value and discusses their relevant properties. It shows that FID has a strong tendency to be temporally anchored to a prominent time point. Thus, the protagonist and the anchor time point share the trait of prominence.

Item Type: Journal Article
CreatorsEmailORCIDORCID Put Code
URN: urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-377746
DOI: 10.4000/discours.11101
Journal or Publication Title: Discours
Volume: 27
Page Range: pp. 3-40
Date: 2020
Language: English
Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Divisions: Collaborative Research Centers > CRC 1252: Prominence in Language > TP C02
Subjects: Language, Linguistics
Uncontrolled Keywords:
temporal relations, free indirect discourse, temporal anchoring, prominence, temporal discourse structure, comparison of times and individualsEnglish
Open access funding: DFG
Projects: SFB 1252 “Prominence in Language”, Project-ID 281511265
Refereed: Yes


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