Seidel, Elyesa (2024). Anaphoric potential of bare nouns and event structure in Turkish. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

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This dissertation provides insight into the discourse-pragmatic properties of Turkish bare nouns within incorporation structures. It underscores the necessity for nuanced analyses by outlining various perspectives that categorize these constructions based on their verb types. By distinguishing between bare nouns with regular verbs, idiomatic constructions, and those with true light or vague action verbs, it reveals the variable behavior inherent in these constructions. To facilitate this distinction, an incorporation strictness scale is proposed, illustrating the varying degrees of bond between bare nouns and verbs, indicating stricter adherence to properties of true incorporation in idiomatic constructions compared to those with regular verbs. Furthermore, this dissertation contributes to the ongoing debate regarding the anaphoric potential of bare nouns by presenting new experimental evidence from two acceptability judgment studies. The first study reveals that Turkish bare nouns exhibit properties of discourse translucency, indicating that bare nouns indeed introduce discourse referents but require complex rules for anaphoric uptake. The second study delves into the interplay between nominal and verbal parameters influencing the anaphoric potential of bare nouns. Specifically, it shows that creation verbs result in a higher degree of affectedness compared to usage verbs, and provides evidence that bare nouns used with creation verbs are better suited for subsequent anaphoric uptake. The proposed modification within DRT accounts for the degree of change in the theme participant along a scale, distinguishing between the source and result state of an event participant. The data presented highlights the importance of investigating different event types and the role of affectedness on the anaphoric potential of bare nouns.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD thesis)
CreatorsEmailORCIDORCID Put Code
URN: urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-727206
Series Name at the University of Cologne: Papers on Prominence
Volume: 23
Date: 2024
Language: English
Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Divisions: Faculty of Arts and Humanities > Fächergruppe 3: Deutsche Sprache und Literatur > Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur I
Subjects: Language, Linguistics
Uncontrolled Keywords:
bare nounsEnglish
anaphoric potentialEnglish
discourse translucencyEnglish
event structureEnglish
Date of oral exam: 14 June 2019
NameAcademic Title
von Heusinger, KlausProf. Dr.
Refereed: Yes


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