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Duarte-Cabral, A., Colombo, D., Urquhart, J. S., Ginsburg, A., Russeil, D., Schuller, F., Anderson, L. D., Barnes, P. J., Beltran, M. T., Beuther, H., Bontemps, S., Bronfman, L., Csengeri, T., Dobbs, C. L., Eden, D., Giannetti, A., Kauffmann, J., Mattern, M., Medina, S-N X., Menten, K. M., Lee, M-Y, Pettitt, A. R., Riener, M., Rigby, A. J., Traficante, A., Veena, V. S., Wienen, M., Wyrowski, F., Agurto, C., Azagra, F., Cesaroni, R., Finger, R., Gonzalez, E., Henning, T., Hernandez, A. K., Kainulainen, J., Leurini, S., Lopez, S., Mac-Auliffe, F., Mazumdar, P., Molinari, S., Motte, F., Muller, E., Nguyen-Luong, Q., Parra, R., Perez-Beaupuits, J-P, Montenegro-Montes, F. M., Moore, T. J. T., Ragan, S. E., Sanchez-Monge, A., Sanna, A., Schilke, P., Schisano, E., Schneider, N., Suri, S., Testi, L., Torstensson, K., Venegas, P., Wang, K. and Zavagno, A. (2021). The SEDIGISM survey: molecular clouds in the inner Galaxy. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 500 (3). S. 3027 - 3050. OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. ISSN 1365-2966
Langer, W. D., Pineda, J. L., Goldsmith, P. F., Chambers, E. T., Riquelme, D., Anderson, L. D., Luisi, M., Justen, M. and Buchbender, C. (2021). The dense warm ionized medium in the inner Galaxy. Astron. Astrophys., 651. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Urquhart, J. S., Figura, C., Cross, J. R., Wells, M. R. A., Moore, T. J. T., Eden, D. J., Ragan, S. E., Pettitt, A. R., Duarte-Cabral, A., Colombo, D., Schuller, E., Csengeri, T., Mattern, M., Beuther, H., Menten, K. M., Wyrowski, F., Anderson, L. D., Barnes, P. J., Beltran, M. T., Billington, S. J., Bronfman, L., Giannetti, A., Kainulainen, J., Kauffmann, J., Lee, M-Y, Leurini, S., Medina, S-N X., Montenegro-Montes, F. M., Riener, M., Rigby, A. J., Sanchez-Monge, A., Schilke, P., Schisano, E., Traficante, A. and Wieneri, M. (2021). SEDIGISM-ATLASGAL: dense gas fraction and star formation efficiency across the Galactic disc. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 500 (3). S. 3050 - 3064. OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. ISSN 1365-2966
Kirsanova, M. S., Ossenkopf-Okada, V, Anderson, L. D., Boley, P. A., Bieging, J. H., Pavlyuchenkov, Ya N., Luisi, M., Schneider, N., Andersen, M., Samal, M. R., Sobolev, A. M., Buchbender, C., Aladro, R. and Okada, Y. (2020). The PDR structure and kinematics around the compact HII regions S235 A and S235 C with [CII], [C-13 II], [O I], and HCO+ line profiles. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 497 (3). S. 2651 - 2670. OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. ISSN 1365-2966
Schneider, N., Simon, R., Guevara, C., Buchbender, C., Higgins, R. D., Okada, Y., Stutzki, J., Guesten, R., Anderson, L. D., Bally, J., Beuther, H., Bonne, L., Bontemps, S., Chambers, E., Csengeri, T., Graf, U. U., Gusdorf, A., Jacobs, K., Justen, M., Kabanovic, S., Karim, R., Luisi, M., Menten, K., Mertens, M., Mookerjea, B., Ossenkopf-Okada, V., Pabst, C., Pound, M. W., Richter, H., Reyes, N., Ricken, O., Roellig, M., Russeil, D., Sanchez-Monge, A., Sandell, G., Tiwari, M., Wiesemeyer, H., Wolfire, M., Wyrowski, F., Zavagno, A. and Tielens, A. G. G. M. (2020). FEEDBACK: a SOFIA Legacy Program to Study Stellar Feedback in Regions of Massive Star Formation. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 132 (1016). BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD. ISSN 1538-3873
Soler, J. D., Beuther, H., Syed, J., Wang, Y., Anderson, L. D., Glover, S. C. O., Hennebelle, P., Heyer, M., Henning, Th., Izquierdo, A. F., Klessen, R. S., Linz, H., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Ott, J., Ragan, S. E., Rugel, M., Schneider, N., Smith, R. J., Sormani, M. C., Stil, J. M., Tress, R. and Urquhart, J. S. (2020). The history of dynamics and stellar feedback revealed by the HI filamentary structure in the disk of the Milky Way. Astron. Astrophys., 642. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Wang, Y., Bihr, S., Beuther, H., Rugel, M. R., Soler, J. D., Ott, J., Kainulainen, J., Schneider, N., Klessen, R. S., Glover, S. C. O., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Goldsmith, P. F., Johnston, K. G., Menten, K. M., Ragan, S., Anderson, L. D., Urquhart, J. S., Linz, H., Roy, N., Smith, R. J., Bigiel, F., Henning, T. and Longmore, S. N. (2020). Cloud formation in the atomic and molecular phase: H I self absorption (HISA) towards a giant molecular filament. Astron. Astrophys., 634. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Anderson, L. D., Makai, Z., Luisi, M., Andersen, M., Russeil, D., Samal, M. R., Schneider, N., Tremblin, P., Zavagno, A., Kirsanova, M. S., Ossenkopf-Okada, V and Sobolev, A. M. (2019). The Origin of [C II] 158 mu m Emission toward the H II Region Complex S235. Astrophys. J., 882 (1). BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD. ISSN 1538-4357
Keown, Jared, Di Francesco, James ORCID: 0000-0002-9289-2450, Rosolowsky, Erik
ORCID: 0000-0002-5204-2259, Singh, Ayushi
ORCID: 0000-0001-6022-3618, Figura, Charles, Kirk, Helen
ORCID: 0000-0002-5779-8549, Anderson, L. D., Chen, Michael Chun-Yuan, Elia, Davide
ORCID: 0000-0002-9120-5890, Friesen, Rachel
ORCID: 0000-0001-7594-8128, Ginsburg, Adam, Marston, A., Pezzuto, Stefano
ORCID: 0000-0001-7852-1971, Schisano, Eugenio
ORCID: 0000-0003-1560-3958, Bontemps, Sylvain, Caselli, Paola, Liu, Hong-Li, Longmore, Steven, Motte, Frederique, Myers, Philip C., Offner, Stella S. R., Sanhueza, Patricio, Schneider, Nicola, Stephens, Ian and Urquhart, James
ORCID: 0000-0002-1605-8050
KFPA Examinations of Young STellar Object Natal Environments (KEYSTONE): Hierarchical Ammonia Structures in Galactic Giant Molecular Clouds.
Astrophys. J., 884 (1).
ISSN 1538-4357
Russeil, D., Figueira, M., Zavagno, A., Motte, F., Schneider, N., Men'shchikov, A., Bontemps, S., Andre, P., Anderson, L. D., Benedettini, M., Didelon, P., Di Francesco, J., Elia, D., Konyves, V., Luong, Q. Nguyen, Nony, T., Pezzuto, S., Rygl, K. L. J., Schisano, E., Spinoglio, L., Tige, J. and White, G. J. (2019). Herschel-HOBYS study of the earliest phases of high-mass star formation in NGC 6357. Astron. Astrophys., 625. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Soler, J. D., Beuther, H., Rugel, M., Wang, Y., Clark, P. C., Glover, S. C. O., Goldsmith, P. F., Heyer, M., Anderson, L. D., Goodman, A., Henning, Th., Kainulainen, J., Klessen, R. S., Longmore, S. N., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Menten, K. M., Mottram, J. C., Ott, J., Ragan, S. E., Smith, R. J., Urquhart, J. S., Bigiel, F., Hennebelle, P., Roy, N. and Schilke, P. (2019). Histogram of oriented gradients: a technique for the study of molecular cloud formation. Astron. Astrophys., 622. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Rugel, M. R., Beuther, H., Bihr, S., Wang, Y., Ott, J., Brunthaler, A., Walsh, A., Glover, S. C. O., Goldsmith, P. F., Anderson, L. D., Schneider, N., Menten, K. M., Raganu, S. E., Urquhart, J. S., Klessen, R. S., Soler, J. D., Roy, N., Kainulainen, J., Henning, T., Bigiel, F., Smith, R. J., Wyrowski, F. and Longmore, S. N. (2018). OH absorption in the first quadrant of the Milky Way as seen by THOR. Astron. Astrophys., 618. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Figueira, M., Zavagno, A., Deharveng, L., Russeil, D., Anderson, L. D., Men'shchikov, A., Schneider, N., Hill, T., Motte, F., Mege, P., Leleu, G., Roussel, H., Bernard, J. -P., Traficante, A., Paradis, D., Tige, J., Andre, P., Bontemps, S. and Abergel, A. (2017). Star formation towards the Galactic H II region RCW 120 Herschel observations of compact sources. Astron. Astrophys., 600. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Nguyen-Lu'o'ng, Q., Anderson, L. D., Motte, F., Kim, Kee-Tae ORCID: 0000-0003-2412-7092, Schilke, P., Carlhoff, P., Beuther, H., Schneider, N., Didelon, P., Kramer, C., Louvet, F., Nony, T., Bihr, S., Rugel, M., Soler, J., Wang, Y., Bronfman, L., Simon, R., Menten, K. M., Wyrowski, F. and Walmsley, C. M.
Large-scale Map of Millimeter-wavelength Hydrogen Radio Recombination Lines around a Young Massive Star Cluster.
Astrophys. J. Lett., 844 (2).
ISSN 2041-8213
Rayner, T. S. M., Griffin, M. J., Schneider, N., Motte, F., Konyves, V., Andre, P., Di Francesco, J., Didelon, P., Pattle, K., Ward-Thompson, D., Anderson, L. D., Benedettini, M., Bernard, J. -P., Bontemps, S., Elia, D., Fuente, A., Hennemann, M., Hill, T., Kirk, J., Marsh, K., Men'shchikov, A., Nguyen Luong, Q., Peretto, N., Pezzuto, S., Rivera-Ingraham, A., Roy, A., Rygl, K., Sanchez-Monge, A., Spinoglio, L., Tige, J., Trevino-Morales, S. P. and White, G. J. (2017). Far-infrared observations of a massive cluster forming in the Monoceros R2 filament hub. Astron. Astrophys., 607. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Schuller, F., Csengeri, T., Urquhart, J. S., Duarte-Cabral, A., Barnes, P. J., Giannetti, A., Hernandez, A. K., Leurini, S., Mattern, M., Medina, S. -N. X., Agurto, C., Azagra, F., Anderson, L. D., Beltran, M. T., Beuther, H., Bontemps, S., Bronfman, L., Dobbs, C. L., Dumke, M., Finger, R., Ginsburg, A., Gonzalez, E., Henning, T., Kauffmann, J., Mac-Auliffe, F., Menten, K. M., Montenegro-Montes, F. M., Moore, T. J. T., Muller, E., Parra, R., Perez-Beaupuits, J. -P., Pettitt, A., Russeil, D., Sanchez-Monge, A., Schilke, P., Schisano, E., Suri, S., Testi, L., Torstensson, K., Venegas, P., Wang, K., Wienen, M., Wyrowski, F. and Zavagno, A. (2017). SEDIGISM: Structure, excitation, and dynamics of the inner Galactic interstellar medium. Astron. Astrophys., 601. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Tige, J., Motte, F., Russeil, D., Zavagno, A., Hennemann, M., Schneider, N., Hill, T., Luong, Q. Nguyen, Di Francesco, J., Bontemps, S., Louvet, F., Didelon, P., Konyves, V., Andre, Ph., Leuleu, G., Bardagi, J., Anderson, L. D., Arzoumanian, D., Benedettini, M., Bernard, J. -P., Elia, D., Figueira, M., Kirk, J., Martin, P. G., Minier, V., Molinari, S., Nony, T., Persi, P., Pezzuto, S., Polychroni, D., Rayner, T., Rivera-Ingraham, A., Roussel, H., Rygl, K., Spinoglio, L. and White, G. J. (2017). The earliest phases of high-mass star formation, as seen in NGC 6334 by Herschel-HOBYS. Astron. Astrophys., 602. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Beuther, H., Bihr, S., Rugel, M., Johnston, K., Wang, Y., Walter, F., Brunthaler, A., Walsh, A. J., Ott, J., Stil, J., Henning, Th., Schierhuber, T., Kainulainen, J., Heyer, M., Goldsmith, P. F., Anderson, L. D., Longmore, S. N., Klessen, R. S., Glover, S. C. O., Urquhart, J. S., Plume, R., Ragan, S. E., Schneider, N., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Menten, K. M., Smith, R., Roy, N., Shanahan, R., Nguyen-Luong, Q. and Bigiel, F. (2016). The HI/OH/Recombination line survey of the inner Milky Way (THOR) Survey overview and data release 1. Astron. Astrophys., 595. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Russeil, D., Tige, J., Adami, C., Anderson, L. D., Schneider, N., Zavagno, A., Samal, M. R., Amram, P., Guennou, L., Le Coarer, E., Walsh, A., Longmore, S. N. and Purcell, C. (2016). NGC 6334 and NGC 6357: H alpha kinematics and the nature of the H II regions. Astron. Astrophys., 587. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Schneider, N., Bontemps, S., Motte, F., Blazere, A., Andre, Ph., Anderson, L. D., Arzoumanian, D., Comeron, F., Didelon, P., Di Francesco, J., Duarte-Cabral, A., Guarcello, M. G., Hennemann, M., Hill, T., Konyves, V., Marston, A., Minier, V., Rygl, K. L. J., Roellig, M., Roy, A., Spinoglio, L., Tremblin, P., White, G. J. and Wright, N. J. (2016). Globules and pillars in Cygnus X I. Herschel(star) far-infrared imaging of the Cygnus OB2 environment. Astron. Astrophys., 591. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Bihr, S., Beuther, H., Ott, J., Johnston, K. G., Brunthaler, A., Anderson, L. D., Bigiel, F., Carlhoff, P., Churchwell, E., Glover, S. C. O., Goldsmith, P. F., Heitsch, F., Henning, T., Heyer, M. H., Hill, T., Hughes, A., Klessen, R. S., Linz, H., Longmore, S. N., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Menten, K. M., Motte, F., Nguyen-Lu'o'ng, Q., Plume, R., Ragan, S. E., Roy, N., Schilke, P., Schneider, N., Smith, R. J., Stil, J. M., Urquhart, J. S., Walsh, A. J. and Walter, F. (2015). THOR: The HI, OH, Recombination line survey of the Milky Way The pilot study: HI observations of the giant molecular cloud W43. Astron. Astrophys., 580. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746