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Journal Article
Crespi, F. C. L., Bracco, A., Lanza, E. G., Tamii, A., Blasi, N., Camera, F., Wieland, O., Aoi, N., Balabanski, D. L., Bassauer, S., Brown, A. S., Carpenter, M. P., Carroll, J. J., Ciemata, M., Czeszumska, A., Davies, P. J., Derya, V., Donaldson, L. M., Fang, Y. D., Fujita, H., Gey, G., Ha, H. T., Harakeh, M. N., Hashimoto, T., Ichige, N., Ideguchi, E., Inoue, A., Isaak, J., Iwamoto, C., Jenkins, D. G., Klaus, T., Kobayashi, N., Koike, T., Krzysiek, M., Raju, M. K., Liu, M., Maj, A., Morris, L., Cosel, P. von Neumann, Noji, S., Ong, H. J., Pickstone, S. G., Pietralla, N., Savran, D., Schmitt, J. M., Spieker, M., Steinhilber, G., Sullivan, C., Wasilewska, B., Weinert, M., Werner, V., Yamamoto, Y., Yamamoto, T., Zegers, R. G. T., Zhou, X., Zhu, S. and Zilges, A. (2021). The structure of low-lying 1(-) states in Zr-90,Zr-94 from (alpha, alpha 'gamma) and (p, p 'gamma) reactions. Phys. Lett. B, 816. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER. ISSN 1873-2445
Filipescu, D., Anzalone, A., Balabanski, D. L., Belyshev, S. S., Camera, F., La Cognata, M., Constantin, P., Csige, L., Cuong, P. V., Cwiok, M., Derya, V., Dominik, W., Gai, M., Gales, S., Gheorghe, I., Ishkhanov, B. S., Krasznahorkay, A., Kuznetsov, A. A., Mazzocchi, C., Orlin, V. N., Pietralla, N., Sin, M., Spitaleri, C., Stopani, K. A., Tesileanu, O., Ur, C. A., Ursu, I., Utsunomiya, H., Varlamov, V. V., Weller, H. R., Zamfir, N. V. and Zilges, A. (2015). Perspectives for photonuclear research at the Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) facility. Eur. Phys. J. A, 51 (12). NEW YORK: SPRINGER. ISSN 1434-601X
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Kusoglu, A., Stuchbery, A. E., Georgiev, G., Brown, B. A., Goasduff, A., Atanasova, L., Balabanski, D. L., Bostan, M., Danchev, M., Detistov, P., Gladnishki, K. A., Ljungvall, J., Matea, I., Radeck, D., Sotty, C., Stefan, I., Verney, D. and Yordanov, D. T. (2015). Magnetism of an Excited Self-Conjugate Nucleus: Precise Measurement of the g Factor of the 2(1)(+) State in Mg-24. Phys. Rev. Lett., 114 (6). COLLEGE PK: AMER PHYSICAL SOC. ISSN 1079-7114
Kusoglu, A., Stuchbery, A. E., Georgiev, G., Brown, B. A., Goasduff, A., Atanasova, L., Balabanski, D. L., Bostan, M., Danchev, M., Detistov, P., Gladnishki, K. A., Ljungvall, J., Matea, I., Radeck, D., Sotty, C., Stefan, I., Verney, D. and Yordanov, D. T. (2015). Magnetism of an Excited Self-Conjugate Nucleus: Precise Measurement of the g Factor of the 2(1)(+) State in Mg-24. Phys. Rev. Lett., 114 (6). COLLEGE PK: AMER PHYSICAL SOC. ISSN 1079-7114
Ralet, D., Clement, E., Georgiev, G., Stuchbery, A. E., Rejmund, M., Van Isacker, R., de France, G., Lemasson, A., Ljungvall, J., Michelagnoli, C., Navin, A., Balabanski, D. L., Atanasova, L., Blazhev, A., Bocchi, G., Carroll, R., Dudouet, J., Dupont, E., Forna, B., Franchoo, S., Fransen, C., Mueller-Gatermann, C., Goasduff, A., Gadea, A., John, P. R., Kocheva, D., Konstantinopoulos, T., Korichi, A., Kusoglu, A., Lenzi, S. M., Leoni, S., Lozeva, R., Maj, A., Perez, R., Pietralla, N., Shand, C., Stezowski, O., Wilmsen, D., Yordanov, D., Barrientos, D., Bednarczyk, R., Birkenbach, B., Boston, A. J., Boston, H. C., Burrows, I, Cederwall, B., Ciemala, M., Collado, J., Crespi, F., Cullen, D., Eberth, H. J., Goupil, J., Harkness, L., Hess, H., Jungclaus, A., Korten, W., Labiche, M., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Million, B., Nyberg, J., Podolyak, Zs, Pullia, A., Quintana Arnes, B., Recchia, F., Reiter, R., Saillant, F., Salsac, M. D., Sanchis, E., Theisen, C., Dobon, J. J. Valiente and Wieland, O. (2019). Evidence of octupole-phonons at high spin in Pb-207. Phys. Lett. B, 797. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER. ISSN 1873-2445
Ralet, D., Georgiev, G., Stuchbery, A. E., Clement, E., Lemasson, A., Michelagnoli, C., Rejmund, M., Atanasova, L., Balabanski, D. L., Bocchi, G., Carroll, R., Dewald, A., Dudouet, J., Fornal, B., de France, G., Franchoo, S., Fransen, C., Mueller-Gatermann, C., Goasduff, A., Gadea, A., Jacquot, B., John, P. R., Kocheva, D., Konstantinopoulos, T., Korichi, A., Kusoglu, A., Lenzi, S. M., Leoni, S., Ljungvall, J., Lozeva, R., Maj, A., Navin, A., Perez, R., Pietralla, N., Shand, C., Stezowski, O. and Yordanov, D. (2017). Toward lifetime and g factor measurements of short-lived states in the vicinity of Pb-208. Phys. Scr., 92 (5). BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD. ISSN 1402-4896
Rapisarda, E., Stefanescu, I., Balabanski, D. L., Bastin, B., Blazhev, A., Bree, N., Danchev, M., Bruyneel, B., Davinson, T., Delahaye, P., Diriken, J., Eberth, J., Georgiev, G., Fedorov, D., Fedosseev, V. N., Fiori, E., Franchoo, S., Fransen, Ch, Geibel, K., Gladnishki, K., Hadynska, K., Hess, H., Heyde, K., Huyse, M., Ivanov, O., Iwanicki, J., Jolie, J., Kalkuehler, M., Kroell, Th, Kruecken, R., Koester, U., Lo Bianco, G., Lozeva, R., Marsh, B. A., Nardelli, S., Nowacki, F., Patronis, N., Reiter, P., Seidlitz, M., Sieja, K., Smirnova, N., Srebrny, J., Van de Walle, J., Van Duppen, P., Warr, N., Wenander, F., Wimmer, K., Wrzosek, K., Zemlyanoi, S. and Zielinska, M. (2011). Coulomb excitation of the 3(-) isomer in Cu-70. Phys. Rev. C, 84 (6). COLLEGE PK: AMER PHYSICAL SOC. ISSN 1089-490X
Sotty, C., Zielinska, M., Georgiev, G., Balabanski, D. L., Stuchbery, A. E., Blazhev, A., Bree, N., Chevrier, R., Das Gupta, S., Daugas, J. M., Davinson, T., De Witte, H., Diriken, J., Gaffney, L. P., Geibel, K., Hadynska-Klek, K., Kondev, F. G., Konki, J., Kroell, T., Morel, P., Napiorkowski, P., Pakarinen, J., Reiter, P., Scheck, M., Seidlitz, M., Siebeck, B., Simpson, G., Toernqvist, H., Warr, N. and Wenander, F. (2015). Rb-37(97)60: The Cornerstone of the Region of Deformation around A similar to 100. Phys. Rev. Lett., 115 (17). COLLEGE PK: AMER PHYSICAL SOC. ISSN 1079-7114
Steer, S. J., Podolyak, Zs., Pietri, S., Gorska, M., Grawe, H., Maier, K. H., Regan, P. H., Rudolph, D., Garnsworthy, A. B., Hoischen, R., Gerl, J., Wollersheim, H. J., Becker, F., Bednarczyk, P., Caceres, L., Doornenbal, P., Geissel, H., Grebosz, J., Kelic, A., Kojouharov, I., Kurz, N., Montes, F., Prokopwicz, W., Saito, T., Schaffner, H., Tashenov, S., Heinz, A., Pfuetzner, M., Kurtukian-Nieto, T., Benzoni, G., Jungclaus, A., Balabanski, D. L., Bowry, M., Brandau, C., Brown, A., Bruce, A. M., Catford, W. N., Cullen, I. J., Dombradi, Zs., Estevez, M. E., Gelletly, W., Ilie, G., Jolie, J., Jones, G. A., Kmiecik, M., Kondev, F. G., Kruecken, R., Lalkovski, S., Liu, Z., Maj, A., Myalski, S., Schwertel, S., Shizuma, T., Walker, P. M., Werner-Malento, E. and Wieland, O. (2011). Isomeric states observed in heavy neutron-rich nuclei populated in the fragmentation of a Pb-208 beam. Phys. Rev. C, 84 (4). COLLEGE PK: AMER PHYSICAL SOC. ISSN 1089-490X
Yordanov, D. T., Balabanski, D. L., Bissell, M. L., Blaum, K., Blazhev, A., Budincevic, I, Froemmgen, N., Geppert, Ch, Grawe, H., Hammen, M., Kreim, K., Neugart, R., Neyens, G. and Noertershaeuser, W. (2018). Spins and electromagnetic moments of( 101-109)cd. Phys. Rev. C, 98 (1). COLLEGE PK: AMER PHYSICAL SOC. ISSN 2469-9993
Zilges, A., Balabanski, D. L., Isaak, J. and Pietralla, N. (2022). Photonuclear reactions-From basic research to applications. Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., 122. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER. ISSN 1873-2224