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Number of items: 11.


Bauer, B., Goederz, A., Braumueller, H., Roecken, M., Thomas, W. and Schmalz, H. (2017). CO-releasing fumarate complexes show superior anti-inflammatory effects compared to dimethyl fumarate treatment. J. Invest. Dermatol., 137 (10). S. S262 - 1. NEW YORK: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. ISSN 1523-1747

Bauer, B., Goederz, A., Braumueller, H., Roecken, M., Wieder, T. and Schmalz, H. (2017). Immune modulatory effects of methyl fumarate-derived iron carbonyl complexes. Exp. Dermatol., 26 (3). S. E52 - 2. HOBOKEN: WILEY. ISSN 1600-0625


Stern, S. A., Bagenal, F., Ennico, K., Gladstone, G. R., Grundy, W. M., McKinnon, W. B., Moore, J. M., Olkin, C. B., Spencer, J. R., Weaver, H. A., Young, L. A., Andert, T., Andrews, J., Banks, M., Bauer, B., Bauman, J., Barnouin, O. S., Bedini, P., Beisser, K., Beyer, R. A., Bhaskaran, S., Binzel, R. P., Birath, E., Bird, M., Bogan, D. J., Bowman, A., Bray, V. J., Brozovic, M., Bryan, C., Buckley, M. R., Buie, M. W., Buratti, B. J., Bushman, S. S., Calloway, A., Carcich, B., Cheng, A. F., Conard, S., Conrad, C. A., Cook, J. C., Cruikshank, D. P., Custodio, O. S., Ore, C. M. Dalle, Deboy, C., Dischner, Z. J. B., Dumont, P., Earle, A. M., Elliott, H. A., Ercol, J., Ernst, C. M., Finley, T., Flanigan, S. H., Fountain, G., Freeze, M. J., Greathouse, T., Green, J. L., Guo, Y., Hahn, M., Hamilton, D. P., Hamilton, S. A., Hanley, J., Harch, A., Hart, H. M., Hersman, C. B., Hill, A., Hill, M. E., Hinson, D. P., Holdridge, M. E., Horanyi, M., Howard, A. D., Howett, C. J. A., Jackman, C., Jacobson, R. A., Jennings, D. E., Kammer, J. A., Kang, H. K., Kaufmann, D. E., Kollmann, P., Krimigis, S. M., Kusnierkiewicz, D., Lauer, T. R., Lee, J. E., Lindstrom, K. L., Linscott, I. R., Lisse, C. M., Lunsford, A. W., Mallder, V. A., Martin, N., McComas, D. J., McNutt, R. L., Jr., Mehoke, D., Mehoke, T., Melin, E. D., Mutchler, M., Nelson, D., Nimmo, F., Nunez, J. I., Ocampo, A., Owen, W. M., Paetzold, M., Page, B., Parker, A. H., Parker, J. W., Pelletier, F., Peterson, J., Pinkine, N., Piquette, M., Porter, S. B., Protopapa, S., Redfern, J., Reitsema, H. J., Reuter, D. C., Roberts, J. H., Robbins, S. J., Rogers, G., Rose, D., Runyon, K., Retherford, K. D., Ryschkewitsch, M. G., Schenk, P., Schindhelm, E., Sepan, B., Showalter, M. K., Singer, K. N., Soluri, M., Stanbridge, D., Steffl, A. J., Strobel, D. F., Stryk, T., Summers, M. E., Szalay, J. R., Tapley, M., Taylor, A., Taylor, H., Throop, H. B., Tsang, C. C. C., Tyler, G. L., Umurhan, O. M., Verbiscer, A. J., Versteeg, M. H., Vincent, M., Webber, R., Weidner, S., Weigle, G. E., II, White, O. L., Whittenburg, K., Williams, B. G., Williams, K., Williams, S., Woods, W. W., Zangari, A. M. and Zirnstein, E. (2015). The Pluto system: Initial results from its exploration by New Horizons. Science, 350 (6258). WASHINGTON: AMER ASSOC ADVANCEMENT SCIENCE. ISSN 1095-9203


Bauer, B., Cincio, L., Keller, B. P., Dolfi, M., Vidal, G., Trebst, S. and Ludwig, A. W. W. (2014). Chiral spin liquid and emergent anyons in a Kagome lattice Mott insulator. Nat. Commun., 5. LONDON: NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP. ISSN 2041-1723


Szelies, B., Sobesky, J., Pawlik, G., Mielke, Rüdiger, Bauer, B., Herholz, K. and Heiss, W.-D. (2002). Impaired benzodiazepine receptor binding in peri-lesional cortex of patients with symptomatic epilepsies studied by [11C]-flumazenil PET1. European Journal of Neurology, 9 (2). pp. 137-142. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 1351-5101


Herholz, K., Bauer, B., Wienhard, K., Kracht, L., Mielke, Rüdiger, Lenz, O., Strotmann, T. and Heiss, W.-D. (2000). In-vivo measurements of regional acetylcholine esterase activity in degenerative dementia: comparison with blood flow and glucose metabolism. Journal of Neural Transmission, 107 (12). pp. 1457-1468. Springer. ISSN 0300-9564

Szelies, B., Weber-Luxenburger, G., Mielke, Rüdiger, Pawlik, G., Kessler, J., Pietrzyk, U., Bauer, B. and Heiss, W.-D. (2000). Interictal hippocampal benzodiazepine receptors in temporal lobe epilepsy: comparison with coregistered hippocampal metabolism and volumetry. European Journal of Neurology, 7 (4). pp. 393-400. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 1351-5101


Szelies, B., Weber-Luxenburger, G., Pietrzyk, U., Mielke, Rüdiger, Bauer, B. and Heiss, W.-D. (1998). Hippokampusvolumetrie und quantitative Bestimmung der Benzodiazepin-Rezeptorendichte bei TLE. Epilepsie-Blätter, 11. p. 22. Bethel. ISSN 0933-7156


Szelies, B., Weber-Luxenburger, G., Pietrzyk, U., Mielke, Rüdiger, Bauer, B. and Heiss, W.-D. (1997). Volumetric versus functional analysis of hippocampus in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 38. p. 205. WILEY. ISSN 1528-1167

Weber-Luxenburger, G., Szelies, B., Pietrzyk, U., Mielke, Rüdiger, Bauer, B. and Heiss, W.-D. (1997). Hippokampusvolumen und Flumazenilbindungskapazität bei Temporallappen-Epilepsien. Epilepsie-Blätter, 10. p. 3. Bethel. ISSN 0933-7156


Szelies, B., Weber-Luxenburger, G., Pawlik, G., Kessler, J., Holthoff, V., Mielke, Rüdiger, Herholz, K., Bauer, B., Wienhard, K. and Heiss, W.-D. (1996). MRI-Guided Flumazenil- and FDG-PET in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Neuroimage, 3 (2). pp. 109-118. ELSEVIER. ISSN 1095-9572

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