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Journal Article

Kluge, E. J., Stieghorst, C., Revay, Zs, Kudejova, P. and Jolie, J. (2019). Optimization and characterization of the PGAI-NT instrument's Neutron Tomography set-up at MLZ. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip., 932. S. 1 - 16. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. ISSN 1872-9576

Seidlitz, M., Reiter, P., Dewald, A., Moeller, O., Bruyneel, B., Christen, S., Finke, F., Fransen, C., Gorska, M., Grawe, H., Holler, A., Ilie, G., Kotthaus, T., Kudejova, P., Lenzi, S. M., Mandal, S., Melon, B., Muecher, D., Regis, J. -M., Saha, B., von Brentano, P., Wiens, A. and Zell, K. O. (2011). Precision lifetime measurements of the first 2(+) and 4(+) states in Cr-56 at the N=32 subshell closure. Phys. Rev. C, 84 (3). COLLEGE PK: AMER PHYSICAL SOC. ISSN 1089-490X

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