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Aust, Viktoria, Pelger, Christoph ORCID: 0000-0002-7140-5262 and Drefahl, Christian (2021). Exploring the relationship between valuation and stewardship uses of accounting information: Empirical evidence from German listed firms. J. Int. Account. Audit. Tax., 42. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER. ISSN 1879-1603
Erb, Carsten and Pelger, Christoph (2015). Twisting words? A study of the construction and reconstruction of reliability in financial reporting standard-setting. Account. Organ. Soc., 40. S. 13 - 41. OXFORD: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD. ISSN 1873-6289
Kuhner, Christoph and Pelger, Christoph (2015). On the Relationship of Stewardship and ValuationAn Analytical Viewpoint. Abacus, 51 (3). S. 379 - 412. HOBOKEN: WILEY. ISSN 1467-6281
Pelger, Christoph and Grottke, Markus (2015). What about the future of the academy? - Some remarks on the looming colonisation of doctoral education. Crit. Perspect. Account., 26. S. 117 - 130. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. ISSN 1045-2354
Pelger, Christoph and Spiess, Nicole (2017). On the IASB's construction of legitimacy - the case of the agenda consultation project. Account. Bus. Res., 47 (1). S. 64 - 91. ABINGDON: ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD. ISSN 2159-4260