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Number of items: 11.

Altstadt, S. G., Adachi, T., Aksyutina, Y., Alcantara, J., Alvarez-Pol, H., Ashwood, N., Atar, L., Aumann, T., Avdeichikov, V., Barr, M., Beceiro, S., Bemmerer, D., Benlliure, J., Bertulani, C. A., Boretzky, K., Borge, M. J. G., Burgunder, G., Caamano, M., Caesar, C., Casarejos, E., Catford, W., Cederkall, J., Chakraborty, S., Chartier, M., Chulkov, L., Cortina-Gil, D., Pramanik, U. Datta, Fernandez, P. Diaz, Dillmann, I., Elekes, Z., Enders, J., Ershova, O., Estrade, A., Farinon, F., Fraile, L. M., Freer, M., Freudenberger, M., Fynbo, H. O. U., Galaviz, D. ORCID: 0000-0003-2992-4496, Geissel, H., Gernhaeuser, R., Goebel, K., Golubev, P., Gonzalez Diaz, D., Hagdahl, J., Heftrich, T., Heil, M., Heine, M., Heinz, A., Henriques, A., Holl, M., Holt, J. D., Ickert, G., Ignatov, A., Jakobsson, B., Johansson, H. T., Jonson, B., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kanungo, R., Kelic-Heil, A., Knoebel, R., Kroell, T., Kruecken, R., Kurcewicz, J., Kurz, N., Labiche, M., Langer, C., Le Bleis, T., Lemmon, R., Lepyoshkina, O., Machado, J., Marganiec, J., Maroussov, V., Menendez, J., Mostazo, M., Movsesyan, A., Najafi, M. A., Nilsson, T., Nociforo, C., Panin, V., Perea, A., Pietri, S., Plag, R., Prochazka, A., Rahaman, A., Rastrepina, G., Reifarth, R., Ribeiro, G., Ricciardi, M. V., Rigollet, C., Riisager, K., Roeder, M., Rossi, D., Sanchez del Rio, J., Savran, D., Scheit, H., Schwenk, A., Simon, H., Simonis, J., Sonnabend, K., Sorlin, O., Stoica, V., Streicher, B., Taylor, J., Tengblad, O., Terashima, S., Thies, R., Togano, Y., Uberseder, E., Van de Walle, J., Velho, P., Volkov, V., Wagner, A., Wamers, F., Weick, H., Weigand, M., Wheldon, C., Wilson, G., Wimmer, C., Winfield, J. S., Woods, P., Yakorev, D., Zhukov, M. V., Zilges, A., Zoric, M. and Zuber, K. (2014). B-13,B-14(n,gamma) via Coulomb Dissociation for Nucleosynthesis towards the r-Process. Nucl. Data Sheets, 120. S. 197 - 201. SAN DIEGO: ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE. ISSN 1095-9904

Beller, J., Pietralla, N., Barea, J., Elvers, M., Endres, J., Fransen, C., Kotila, J., Moeller, O., Richter, A., Rodriguez, T. R., Romig, C., Savran, D., Scheck, M., Schnorrenberger, L., Sonnabend, K., Werner, V., Zilges, A. and Zweidinger, M. (2013). Constraint on 0 nu beta beta Matrix Elements from a Novel Decay Channel of the Scissors Mode: The Case of Gd-154. Phys. Rev. Lett., 111 (17). COLLEGE PK: AMER PHYSICAL SOC. ISSN 1079-7114

Cooper, N., Reichel, F., Werner, V., Bettermann, L., Alikhani, B., Aslanidou, S., Bauer, C., Coquard, L., Fritzsche, M., Fritzsche, Y., Glorius, J., Goddard, P. M., Moeller, T., Pietralla, N., Reese, M., Romig, C., Savran, D., Schnorrenberger, L., Siebenhuehner, F., Simon, V. V., Sonnabend, K., Smith, M. K., Walz, C., Yates, S. W., Yevetska, O. and Zweidinger, M. (2012). Photoresponse of Se-76 below 9 MeV. Phys. Rev. C, 86 (3). COLLEGE PK: AMER PHYSICAL SOC. ISSN 1089-490X

Endres, J., Litvinova, E., Savran, D., Butler, P. A., Harakeh, M. N., Harissopulos, S., Herzberg, R. -D., Kruecken, R., Lagoyannis, A., Pietralla, N., Ponomarev, V. Yu, Popescu, L., Ring, P., Scheck, M., Sonnabend, K., Stoica, V. I., Wortche, H. J. and Zilges, A. (2010). Isospin Character of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in Sn-124. Phys. Rev. Lett., 105 (21). COLLEGE PK: AMER PHYSICAL SOC. ISSN 1079-7114

Netterdon, L., Endres, A., Kiss, G. G., Mayer, J., Rauscher, T., Scholz, P., Sonnabend, K., Toeroek, Zs. and Zilges, A. (2014). Cross-section measurement of the Ba-130(p,gamma)La-131 reaction for gamma-process nucleosynthesis. Phys. Rev. C, 90 (3). COLLEGE PK: AMER PHYSICAL SOC. ISSN 1089-490X

Ornelas, A., Kiss, G. G., Mohr, P., Galaviz, D. ORCID: 0000-0003-2992-4496, Fueloep, Zs., Gyuerky, Gy., Mate, Z., Rauscher, T., Somorjai, E., Sonnabend, K. and Zilges, A. (2015). The Cd-106(alpha, alpha)Cd-106 elastic scattering in a wide energy range for gamma process studies. Nucl. Phys. A, 940. S. 194 - 210. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. ISSN 1873-1554

Reimer, R. P., Zaytoun, H., Klein, K., Sonnabend, K., Lennartz, S., Zopfs, D., Heidenreich, A., Maintz, D. and Hokamp, N. Grosse (2023). Detection and size measurements of kidney stones on virtual non-contrast reconstructions derived from dual-layer computed tomography in an ex vivo phantom setup. Eur. Radiol., 33 (4). S. 2995 - 3004. NEW YORK: SPRINGER. ISSN 1432-1084

Romig, C., Beller, J., Glorius, J., Isaak, J., Kelley, J. H., Kwan, E., Pietralla, N., Ponomarev, V. Yu, Sauerwein, A., Savran, D., Scheck, M., Schnorrenberger, L., Sonnabend, K., Tonchev, A. P., Tornow, W., Weller, H. R., Zilges, A. and Zweidinger, M. (2013). Low-lying dipole strength of the open-shell nucleus Mo-94. Phys. Rev. C, 88 (4). COLLEGE PK: AMER PHYSICAL SOC. ISSN 1089-490X

Scheck, M., Ponomarev, V. Yu., Fritzsche, M., Joubert, J., Aumann, T., Beller, J., Isaak, J., Kelley, J. H., Kwan, E., Pietralla, N., Raut, R., Romig, C., Rusev, G., Savran, D., Schorrenberger, L., Sonnabend, K., Tonchev, A. P., Tornow, W., Weller, H. R., Zilges, A. and Zweidinger, M. (2013). Photoresponse of Ni-60 below 10-MeV excitation energy: Evolution of dipole resonances in f p-shell nuclei near N = Z. Phys. Rev. C, 88 (4). COLLEGE PK: AMER PHYSICAL SOC. ISSN 1089-490X

Spieker, M., Tsoneva, N., Derya, V., Endres, J., Savran, D., Harakeh, M. N., Harissopulos, S., Herzberg, R. -D., Lagoyannis, A., Lenske, H., Pietralla, N., Popescu, L., Scheck, M., Schlueter, F., Sonnabend, K., Stoica, V. I., Wortche, H. J. and Zilges, A. (2016). The pygmy quadrupole resonance and neutron-skin modes in Sn-124. Phys. Lett. B, 752. S. 102 - 108. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. ISSN 1873-2445

Wilhelmy, J., Muescher, M., Rusev, G., Schwengner, R., Beyer, R., Bhike, M., Erbacher, P., Fiedler, F., Friman-Gayer, U., Glorius, J., Greifenhagen, R., Hammer, S., Hensel, T., Isaak, J., Junghans, A. R., Loeher, B., Mueller, S. E., Pietralla, N., Reinicke, S., Savran, D., Scholz, P., Sonnabend, K., Szuecs, T., Tamkas, M., Tornow, W., Turkat, S., Wagner, A. and Zilges, A. (2020). Dipole response of Rb-87 and its impact on the Rb-86(n, gamma) Rb-87 cross section. Phys. Rev. C, 102 (4). COLLEGE PK: AMER PHYSICAL SOC. ISSN 2469-9993

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