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Book, conference item or legal commentary
van der Putten, Jan, Arnez, Monika, Wieringa, Edwin P. and Graf, Arndt (2017). Traditions redirecting contemporary Indonesian cultural productions. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Journal Article
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2018). Chairil Anwar terlalu kebarat-baratan ataukah pembacanya di Indonesia terlalu keindonesia-indonesiaan? Horison, 52. pp. 63-73.
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2018). Malay graffiti in a nineteenth-century lithographed Bombay Qur’an. Heritage of Indonesia, International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage, 7 (1). pp. 79-93.
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2019). The Mboi collection of Atma Jaya Catholic University in Jakarta. Wacana, 20 (1). pp. 56-92.
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2020). Mother’s tongue and father’s culture; A late nineteenth-century Javanese versification of Master Zhu’s Household Rules ("Zhuzi Zhijia geyan"). Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia, 21 (3). pp. 384-407. ISSN 2407-6899
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2021). Rezension zu: Judith E. Bosnak and Frans X. Koot, The Javanese Travels of Purwalelana. A Nobleman’s Account of his Journeys across the Island of Java 1860-1875. Archipel (101). pp. 271-273. OpenEdition Journals. ISSN 0044-8613
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2017). Saya kesaljuan. Tempo. p. 114.
Wieringa, Edwin P. and Pudjiastuti, Titik (2020). The Sair Kin Tambuan: A Banjarese versified version of a well-known Panji story. Wacana, 21 (2). pp. 285-302.
Book Section, Proceedings Item or annotation in a legal commentary
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2017). Apa gunanya studi naskah Nusantara pada abad ke-21? Beberapa renungan dari seorang seberang. In: Dinamika pernaskahan Nusantara, pp. 77-94. Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group.
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2019). Der Beginn der modernen malaiischen Literatur: Die Memoiren von Abdullah dem Sprachlehrer. In: Schätze der Universität Köln, pp. 201-203. Köln: Greven. ISBN 978-3-7743-0915-9
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2019). Fable, animal, in Muslim Southeast Asia. In: Encyclopaedia of Islam, Third Edition, pp. 50-52. Brill.
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2016). Going abroad without leaving home: The Malaysian Muslim message in Muharikah’s 2015 Manga. In: The role of religions in the European perception of insular and mainland Southeast Asia: Travel accounts of the 16th to the 19th centuries, pp. 239-259. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2016). Haji Adam’s 1926 Malay poem on the Prophet’s Ascension: A polemical anti-Wahhābī defense of traditionalist Islam. In: Comparative Study of Southeast Asian Kitabs (4): Local and Global Dynamism in Transformation of Islamic Tales, pp. 27-55. Tokyo: Sophia University.
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2017). Islam and paradise are sheltered under the shadow of swords: phallocentric fantasies of paradise in nineteenth-century Acehnese war propaganda and their lasting legacy. In: Roads to paradise: concepts of eschatology and the hereafter in Islam. Volume 2, pp. 1143-1186. Leiden: Brill.
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2017). Literature in words and images. In: Highlights from the Asian Library at Leiden University, pp. 16-17. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2019). Malay and other languages of insular Southeast Asia. In: Encyclopaedia of Islam, Third Edition, pp. 147-151. Brill.
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2021). Persoalan Penciptaan Pangram: Tantangan Kebahasaan. In: Identitas, Tradisi, dan Keberagaman Penelitian Naskah Nusantara: Persembahan 90 Tahun Achadiati Ikram, pp. 121-133. Depok: Penerbit Manassa. ISBN 978-602-60182-2-9
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2018). Satan’s sermon: A late nineteenth-century Javanese courtier’s criticism of his own class. In: Transformation of religions as reflected in Javanese texts, pp. 103-141. Tokyo: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2018). Syair Perang Mengkasar. In: Tales of the Malay world. Manuscripts and early books, pp. 55-57. Singapore: National Library Board.
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2017). Taufiq Ismail and the Muslim mission of commanding right and forbidding wrong. In: Traditions redirecting contemporary Indonesian cultural productions, pp. 273-298. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Wieringa, Edwin P. ORCID: 0000-0001-8080-4604
An Unfaithful Translation for the Faithful: Indonesian Islamic Gatekeepers on the Free Poetic Acehnese Translation of the Qur'ān by Teungku Haji Mahjiddin Jusuf (1918-1994).
Malay-Indonesian Islamic Studies,
pp. 134-162.
Leiden, Boston:
ISBN 978-90-04-52937-3
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2016). The heron and the snail: A visual pun in a Javanese manuscript of the Jawharat al-Tawḥīd. In: Parts and Wholes. Essays on Social Morphology, Cosmology, and Exchange in Honour of J.D.M. Platenkamp, pp. 475-484. Münster: LIT.
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2018). The illustrated Asṭabrata in Pakualaman manuscript art. In: Traces of the Ramayana and Mahabharata in Javanese and Malay literature, pp. 180-215. Singapore: ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute.
Wieringa, Edwin P. (2017). The story of Yusuf and Indonesia’s islamisation: a work of literature plus. In: Islamisation: comparative perspectives from history, pp. 444-471. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.