Heidenreich, A., Salem, J., Paffenholz, P. and Pfister, D. (2019). Interdisciplinary education in urology: innovations for better training. Urologe, 58 (8). S. 870 - 877. HEIDELBERG: SPRINGER HEIDELBERG. ISSN 1433-0563

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The current version of the urology training program will concentrate on the mediation of competences and skills in various fields of action for outpatient urology instead of persisting on the minimum and reference numbers of surgical and diagnostic procedures. However, the following fields of action must be fulfilled: microbiology, andrology and systemic cancer therapy. There is justifiable concern that various institutions will lose their permission for a complete 5-year residency program based on the above-mentioned demands since not all institutions have all subspecialties in urology. Those institutions need to define new ways of residency training such as interdisciplinary programs within their own institution between disciplines like pediatric surgery, gynecology and medical oncology. Other options are combined training programs between regional urology departments with different main focuses or training programs between institutions and urologists in private practice. There is an unmet need to improve residency training as well as board examinations by new structures and a reliable curriculum. Based on the changed main focuses of the new version of urology training, we need to discuss the future of residency programs. It might be helpful to discuss two different types of urology training with a common trunk for the first three years followed by a more outpatient-based residency training for the general urologist and a more specialized training for the inpatient urologist to be educated in complex treatment modalities. An open mind to broadening our own horizon, respectful discussion with other departments and the development of common, reliable and interdisciplinary contents represent indispensable prerequisites to realize such an innovative future training program.

Item Type: Journal Article
CreatorsEmailORCIDORCID Put Code
URN: urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-145869
DOI: 10.1007/s00120-019-0958-6
Journal or Publication Title: Urologe
Volume: 58
Number: 8
Page Range: S. 870 - 877
Date: 2019
Place of Publication: HEIDELBERG
ISSN: 1433-0563
Language: German
Faculty: Unspecified
Divisions: Unspecified
Subjects: no entry
Uncontrolled Keywords:
RESIDENTSMultiple languages
Urology & NephrologyMultiple languages
Refereed: Yes
URI: http://kups.ub.uni-koeln.de/id/eprint/14586


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