Bonke, Max and Repp, Sophie (2022). Complementizer deletion in embedded gapping in Spanish. Linguist. Rev., 39 (3). S. 525 - 556. BERLIN: DE GRUYTER MOUTON. ISSN 1613-3676

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Gapping in embedded environments may occur in two configurations: (i) the whole coordination containing both conjuncts is embedded (= embedded gapping, EG), (ii) the second (i.e. elliptical) clause is embedded within its own conjunct (= single conjunct embedded gapping, SCEG). Languages seem to differ in their restrictions on these two structures: EG in some languages does not allow for a complementizer in the elliptical conjunct, while it does in other languages. SCEG is outright unacceptable in some languages but acceptable in other languages. Overall, languages seem to fall into two groups such that one group allows a complementizer in the elliptical conjunct of EG and generally allows SCEG, whereas the other group allows neither. We present four experiments in Spanish on the acceptability of the complementizer que 'that' in the elliptical conjunct in EG. Our results suggest that que in Spanish EG is overall subject to similar restrictions as SCEG gapping: There are different degrees of degradation depending on the (type of) embedding verb without outright unacceptability. While the relevant property has been argued to be factivity for SCEG, we argue that it is not the factivity of the embedding verb as such that drives acceptability, but assertion embedding. We outline a theoretical proposal building on existing accounts of structural ambiguity in gapping, the truncation of complement CPs under some verbs including factives, and the general flexibility of the semantic/pragmatic categories factivity and assertion.

Item Type: Journal Article
CreatorsEmailORCIDORCID Put Code
URN: urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-658811
DOI: 10.1515/tlr-2022-2096
Journal or Publication Title: Linguist. Rev.
Volume: 39
Number: 3
Page Range: S. 525 - 556
Date: 2022
Place of Publication: BERLIN
ISSN: 1613-3676
Language: English
Faculty: Unspecified
Divisions: Unspecified
Subjects: no entry
Uncontrolled Keywords:
HYPOTHESIS; ACCOUNTMultiple languages
Linguistics; Language & LinguisticsMultiple languages


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