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Bonne, L., Peretto, N., Duarte-Cabral, A., Schmiedeke, A., Schneider, N., Bontemps, S. and Whitworth, A. (2022). A potential new phase of massive star formation A luminous outflow cavity centred on an infrared quiet core. Astron. Astrophys., 665. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Choudhury, R., Schilke, P., Stephan, G., Bergin, E., Moeller, T., Schmiedeke, A. and Zernickel, A. (2015). Evolution of complex organic molecules in hot molecular cores Synthetic spectra at (sub-)mm wavebands. Astron. Astrophys., 575. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Choudhury, R., Schilke, P., Stephan, G., Bergin, E., Moeller, T., Schmiedeke, A. and Zernickel, A. (2015). Evolution of complex organic molecules in hot molecular cores Synthetic spectra at (sub-)mm wavebands. Astron. Astrophys., 575. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Fontani, F., Schmiedeke, A., Sanchez-Monge, A., Colzi, L., Elia, D., Rivilla, V. M., Beltran, M. T., Bizzocchi, L., Caselli, P., Magrini, L. and Romano, D. (2022). CHEMOUT: CHEMical complexity in star-forming regions of the OUTer Galaxy II. Methanol formation at low metallicity. Astron. Astrophys., 664. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Henshaw, J. D., Longmore, S. N., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Davies, B., Bally, J., Barnes, A., Battersby, C., Burton, M., Cunningham, M. R., Dale, J. E., Ginsburg, A., Immer, K., Jones, P. A., Kendrew, S., Mills, E. A. C., Molinari, S., Moore, T. J. T., Ott, J., Pillai, T., Rathborne, J., Schilke, P., Schmiedeke, A., Testi, L., Walker, D., Walsh, A. and Zhang, Q. (2016). Molecular gas kinematics within the central 250 pc of the Milky Way. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 457 (3). S. 2675 - 2703. OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. ISSN 1365-2966

Johnston, K. G., Beuther, H., Linz, H., Schmiedeke, A., Ragan, S. E. and Henning, Th. (2014). The dynamics and star-forming potential of the massive Galactic centre cloud G0.253+0.016. Astron. Astrophys., 568. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Kruijssen, J. M. D., Dale, J. E., Longmore, S. N., Walker, D. L., Henshaw, J. D., Jeffreson, S. M. R., Petkova, M. A., Ginsburg, A., Barnes, A. T., Battersby, C. D., Immer, K., Jackson, J. M., Keto, E. R., Krieger, N., Mills, E. A. C., Sanchez-Monge, A., Schmiedeke, A., Suri, S. T. and Zhang, Q. (2019). The dynamical evolution of molecular clouds near the Galactic Centre II. Spatial structure and kinematics of simulated clouds. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 484 (4). S. 5734 - 5755. OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. ISSN 1365-2966

Lippok, N., Launhardt, R., Henning, Th., Balog, Z., Beuther, H., Kainulainen, J., Krause, O., Linz, H., Nielbock, M., Ragan, S. E., Robitaille, T. P., Sadavoy, S. I. and Schmiedeke, A. (2016). Earliest phases of star formation (EPoS) Dust temperature distributions in isolated starless cores. Astron. Astrophys., 592. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Lippok, N., Launhardt, R., Semenov, D., Stutz, A. M., Balog, Z., Henning, Th, Krause, O., Linz, H., Nielbock, M., Pavlyuchenkov, Ya N., Schmalzl, M., Schmiedeke, A. and Bieging, J. H. (2013). Gas-phase CO depletion and N2H+ abundances in starless cores. Astron. Astrophys., 560. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Meng, F., Sanchez-Monge, A., Schilke, P., Ginsburg, A., DePree, C., Budaiev, N., Jeff, D., Schmiedeke, A., Schwoerer, A., Veena, V. S. and Moeller, Th (2022). The physical and chemical structure of Sagittarius B2 VI. UCHII regions in Sgr B2. Astron. Astrophys., 666. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Meng, F., Sanchez-Monge, A., Schilke, P., Padovani, M., Marcowith, A., Ginsburg, A., Schmiedeke, A., Schwoerer, A., DePree, C., Veena, V. S. and Moeller, Th (2019). The physical and chemical structure of Sagittarius B2 V. Non-thermal emission in the envelope of Sgr B2. Astron. Astrophys., 630. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Mills, E. A. C., Ginsburg, A., Clements, A. R., Schilke, P., Sanchez-Monge, A., Menten, K. M., Butterfield, N., Goddi, C., Schmiedeke, A. and De Pree, C. G. (2018). Discovery of (NH3)-N-14 (2,2) Maser Emission in Sgr B2 Main. Astrophys. J. Lett., 869 (1). BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD. ISSN 2041-8213

Moeller, T., Schilke, P., Schmiedeke, A., Bergin, E. A., Lis, D. C., Sanchez-Monge, A., Schwoerer, A. and Comito, C. (2021). Herschel observations of extraordinary sources: full Herschel/HIFI molecular line survey of Sagittarius B2(M). Astron. Astrophys., 651. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Nielbock, M., Launhardt, R., Steinacker, J., Stutz, A. M., Balog, Z., Beuther, H., Bouwman, J., Henning, Th., Hily-Blant, P., Kainulainen, J., Krause, O., Linz, H., Lippok, N., Ragan, S., Risacher, C. and Schmiedeke, A. (2012). The Earliest Phases of Star formation (EPoS) observed with Herschel: the dust temperature and density distributions of B68. Astron. Astrophys., 547. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 0004-6361

Pols, S., Schworer, A., Schilke, P., Schmiedeke, A., Sanchez-Monge, A. and Moeller, Th (2018). The physical and chemical structure of Sagittarius B2 III. Radiative transfer simulations of the hot core Sgr B2(M) for methyl cyanide. Astron. Astrophys., 614. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Ragan, S., Henning, Th., Krause, O., Pitann, J., Beuther, H., Linz, H., Tackenberg, J., Balog, Z., Hennemann, M., Launhardt, R., Lippok, N., Nielbock, M., Schmiedeke, A., Schuller, F., Steinacker, J., Stutz, A. and Vasyunina, T. (2012). The Earliest Phases of Star Formation (EPoS): a Herschel key program The precursors to high-mass stars and clusters. Astron. Astrophys., 547. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 0004-6361

Sanchez-Monge, A., Schilke, P., Ginsburg, A., Cesaroni, R. and Schmiedeke, A. (2018). STATCONT: A statistical continuum level determination method for line-rich sources. Astron. Astrophys., 609. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Sanchez-Monge, A., Schilke, P., Schmiedeke, A., Ginsburg, A., Cesaroni, R., Lis, D. C., Qin, S. -L., Mueller, H. S. P., Bergin, E., Comito, C. and Moeller, Th. (2017). The physical and chemical structure of Sagittarius B2 II. Continuum millimeter emission of Sgr B2(M) and Sgr B2(N) with ALMA. Astron. Astrophys., 604. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Sandstrom, K. M., Leroy, A. K., Walter, F., Bolatto, A. D., Croxall, K. V., Draine, B. T., Wilson, C. D., Wolfire, M., Calzetti, D., Kennicutt, R. C., Aniano, G., Meyer, J. Donovan, Usero, A., Bigiel, F., Brinks, E., de Blok, W. J. G., Crocker, A., Dale, D., Engelbracht, C. W., Galametz, M., Groves, B., Hunt, L. K., Koda, J., Kreckel, K., Linz, H., Meidt, S., Pellegrini, E., Rix, H. -W., Roussel, H., Schinnerer, E., Schruba, A., Schuster, K. -F., Skibba, R., van der Laan, T., Appleton, P., Armus, L., Brandl, B., Gordon, K., Hinz, J., Krause, O., Montiel, E., Sauvage, M., Schmiedeke, A., Smith, J. D. T. and Vigroux, L. (2013). THE CO-TO-H-2 CONVERSION FACTOR AND DUST-TO-GAS RATIO ON KILOPARSEC SCALES IN NEARBY GALAXIES. Astrophys. J., 777 (1). BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD. ISSN 1538-4357

Schmalzl, M., Launhardt, R., Stutz, A. M., Linz, H., Bourke, T. L., Beuther, H., Henning, Th., Krause, O., Nielbock, M. and Schmiedeke, A. (2014). The Earliest Phases of Star formation (EPoS) Temperature, density, and kinematic structure of the star-forming core CB 17. Astron. Astrophys., 569. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Schmiedeke, A., Schilke, P., Moeller, Th., Sanchez-Monge, A., Bergin, E., Comito, C., Csengeri, T., Lis, D. C., Molinari, S., Qin, S. -L. and Rolffs, R. (2016). The physical and chemical structure of Sagittarius B2 I. Three-dimensional thermal dust and free-free continuum modeling on 100 au to 45 pc scales. Astron. Astrophys., 588. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Schwoerer, A., Sanchez-Monge, A., Schilke, P., Moeller, T., Ginsburg, A., Meng, F., Schmiedeke, A., Mueller, H. S. P., Lis, D. and Qin, S. -L. (2019). The physical and chemical structure of Sagittarius B2 IV. Converging filaments in the high-mass cluster forming region Sgr B2(N). Astron. Astrophys., 628. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Stephan, G., Schilke, P., Le Bourlot, J., Schmiedeke, A., Choudhury, R., Godard, B. and Sanchez-Monge, A. (2018). Chemical modeling of internal photon-dominated regions surrounding deeply embedded HC/UCHII regions. Astron. Astrophys., 617. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Tackenberg, J., Beuther, H., Henning, Th, Linz, H., Sakai, T., Ragan, S. E., Krause, O., Nielbock, M., Hennemann, M., Pitann, J. and Schmiedeke, A. (2014). Kinematic structure of massive star-forming regions I. Accretion along filaments. Astron. Astrophys., 565. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

Zernickel, A., Schilke, P., Schmiedeke, A., Lis, D. C., Brogan, C. L., Ceccarelli, C., Comito, C., Emprechtinger, M., Hunter, T. R. and Moeller, T. (2012). Molecular line survey of the high-mass star-forming region NGC 6334I with Herschel/HIFI and the Submillimeter Array. Astron. Astrophys., 546. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746

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