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Number of items at this level: 96.


Feldman, Dan, Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 and Sohler, Christian (2020). Turning Big Data Into Tiny Data: Constant-Size Coresets for k-Means, PCA, and Projective Clustering. SIAM J. Comput., 49 (3). pp. 601-657. Philadelphia, Pa.: SIAM. ISSN 0097-5397

Černý, Jiří and Drewitz, Alexander (2020). Quenched invariance principles for the maximal particle in branching random walk in random environment and the parabolic Anderson model. The Annals of Probability, 48 (1). pp. 94-146. Duke University Press. ISSN 0091-1798


Schwalb, Marcel (2019). Häufige Mustererkennung in sequenziellen Phasendatenbanken. Data-Mining und Prognoseerstellung am Beispiel von Bausparkollektiven. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Lüpsen, Haiko (2019). Varianzanalysen - Prüfen der Voraussetzungen und nichtparametrische Methoden sowie praktische Anwendungen mit R und SPSS. Version 3.2. Technical Report.

Lüpsen, Haiko (2019). Multiple Mittelwertvergleiche - parametrisch und nichtparametrisch - sowie α-Adjustierungen mit praktischen Anwendungen mit R und SPSS. Version 2.0. Technical Report.

Mainka, Roland Michael (2019). Maschinelles Lernen zur Analyse und Simulation von Finanzzeitreihen. Thesis Abstract, Universität zu Köln.

Spisla, Christiane (2019). Compaction of Orthogonal and Hierarchical Graph Drawings Using Constraint Graphs and Minimum Cost Flows. Thesis Abstract, Universität zu Köln.

Bercea, Ioana Oriana, Groß, Martin, Khuller, Samir, Kumar, Aounon, Rösner, Clemens, Schmidt, Daniel R. ORCID: 0000-0001-7381-912X and Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 (2019). On the Cost of Essentially Fair Clusterings. In: Approximation, randomization, and combinatorial optimization: algorithms and techniques : APPROX/RANDOM 2019, September 20-22, 2019, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, 18:1-18:22. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. ISBN 9783959771252

Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905, Schwiegelshohn, Chris and Sohler, Christian (2019). Fair Coresets and Streaming Algorithms for Fair k-means. In: Approximation and online algorithms ; 17th international workshop, WAOA 2019, Munich, Germany, September 12-13, 2019 : revised selected papers, pp. 232-251. Cham: Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-39479-0

Großwendt, Anna, Röglin, Heiko and Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 (2019). Analysis of Ward's Method. In: Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pp. 2939-2957. New York: SIAM. ISBN 978-1-61197-548-2

Athreya, Siva, Drewitz, Alexander and Sun, Rongfeng (2019). Random Walk Among Mobile/Immobile Traps: A Short Review. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 300. pp. 1-22. Springer. ISSN 2194-1009


Lüpsen, Haiko (2018). Varianzanalysen - Prüfen der Voraussetzungen und nichtparametrische Methoden sowie praktische Anwendungen mit R und SPSS. Version 3.1. Technical Report.

Kuckertz, Patrick (2018). Ein personen- und aufgabengenauer Ansatz zur robusten Einsatzplanung von Flugpersonal mittels Optimierung und Simulation. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Dörpinghaus, Jens (2018). Pseudostabile Mengen in Graphen. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Senger, Fabian Johannes (2018). On Equidomination in Graphs. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Kim, Jun-Gyu (2018). On experience-based learning for combinatorial optimization problems. Thesis Abstract, Universität zu Köln.

Böhnlein, Toni (2018). Algorithmic Decision-Making in Multi-Agent Systems: Votes and Prices. Thesis Abstract, Universität zu Köln.

Apke, Alexander (2018). On representing graphs with unit intervals. Thesis Abstract, Universität zu Köln.

Rösner, Clemens and Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 (2018). Privacy Preserving Clustering with Constraints. In: 45th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2018), 96:1-96:14. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. ISBN 978-3-95977-076-7

Groß, Martin, Gupta, Anupam, Kumar, Amit, Matuschke, Jannik, Schmidt, Daniel R. ORCID: 0000-0001-7381-912X, Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 and Verschae, José (2018). A Local-Search Algorithm for Steiner Forest. In: 9th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS 2018), 31:1-31:17. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. ISBN 978-3-95977-060-6

Drewitz, Alexander, Prévost, Alexis ORCID: 0000-0001-7273-0481 and Rodriguez, Pierre-Françcois (2018). The Sign Clusters of the Massless Gaussian Free Field Percolate on Zd, d ⩾ 3 (and more). Communications in Mathematical Physics, 362 (2). pp. 513-546. Springer. ISSN 0010-3616


Grinten, Alexander van der (2017). Design, implementation and evaluation of a distributed CDCL framework. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Lückerath, Daniel (2017). Ein Simulationsmodell für Öffentlichen Personennahverkehr mit regelbasiertem Verkehrsmanagement. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Lüpsen, Haiko (2017). The Aligned Rank Transform and discrete Variables - a Warning. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. Taylor & Francis. ISSN 0361-0918

Feld, Dustin (2017). FieldPlacer - A flexible, fast and unconstrained force-directed placement method for heterogeneous reconfigurable logic architectures. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Lüpsen, Haiko (2017). Comparison of nonparametric analysis of variance methods - A Vote for van der Waerden. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 30. pp. 1-30. Taylor & Francis.

Lee, Euiwoong, Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 and Wright, John (2017). Improved and simplified inapproximability for k-means. Information processing letters, 120. pp. 40-43. Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISSN 1872-6119

Athreya, Siva, Drewitz, Alexander and Sun, Rongfeng (2017). Subdiffusivity of a Random Walk Among a Poisson System of Moving Traps on ℤ. Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, 20 (1). Springer. ISSN 1385-0172


Lüpsen, Haiko (2016). Varianzanalysen - Prüfen der Voraussetzungen und nichtparametrische Methoden sowie praktische Anwendungen mit R und SPSS. Version 2.0. Technical Report.

Lüpsen, Haiko (2016). The Lognormal Distribution and Nonparametric Anovas - a Dangerous Alliance. Technical Report.

Kiparski, Ekkehart (2016). Ein Programm für die Parallelisierung dynamisch adaptiver Mehrgitterverfahren. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Gupta, Anupam, Guruganesh, Guru and Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 (2016). Approximation Algorithms for Aversion k-Clustering via Local k-Median. In: 43rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2016), 66:1-66:13. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. ISBN 978-3-95977-013-2

Blömer, Johannes, Lammersen, Christiane, Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 and Sohler, Christian (2016). Theoretical Analysis of the k-Means Algorithm - A Survey. In: Algorithm Engineering - Selected Results and Surveys, pp. 81-116. Cham: Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-49487-6

Drewitz, Alexander and Erhard, Dirk (2016). Transience of the vacant set for near-critical random interlacements in high dimensions. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques, 52 (1). pp. 84-101. Duke University Press. ISSN 0246-0203


Oversberg, Andrea (2015). On Square Roots of Graphs. Thesis Abstract, Universität zu Köln.

Mallach, Sven (2015). Exact Integer Programming Approaches to Sequential Instruction Scheduling and Offset Assignment. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Lüpsen, Haiko (2015). Varianzanalysen - Prüfen der Voraussetzungen und nichtparametrische Methoden sowie praktische Anwendungen mit R und SPSS. Version 1.1 (2.3.2015). Technical Report.

Boltes, Maik (2015). Automatische Erfassung präziser Trajektorien in Personenströmen hoher Dichte. Thesis Abstract, Universität zu Köln.

Weil, Vera Sharon (2015). On cliques, colorings, and the maximum degree in graphs. Thesis Abstract, Universität zu Köln.

Gronemann, Martin (2015). Algorithms for Incremental Planar Graph Drawing and Two-page Book Embeddings. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Lammersen, Christiane, Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 and Sohler, Christian (2015). Probabilistic k-Median Clustering in Data Streams. Theory of computing systems, 56 (1). pp. 251-290. New York: Springer. ISSN 1432-4350

Kappmeier, Jan-Philipp W., Schmidt, Daniel R. ORCID: 0000-0001-7381-912X and Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 (2015). Solving k-means on High-Dimensional Big Data. In: Experimental Algorithms : 14th International Symposium, SEA 2015, Paris, France, June 29 – July 1, 2015, Proceedings, pp. 259-270. Cham: Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-20085-9

Drewitz, Alexander, Scheutzow, Michael and Wilke-Berenguer, Maite (2015). Asymptotics for Lipschitz percolation above tilted planes. Electronic Journal of Probability, 20. pp. 1-23. Duke University Press. ISSN 1083-6489

Drewitz, Alexander and Rodriguez, Pierre-Francois (2015). High-dimensional asymptotics for percolation of Gaussian free field level sets. Electronic Journal of Probability, 20. pp. 1-39. Duke University Press. ISSN 1083-6489


Ziegelmayer, Dominique (2014). Character n-gram-based sentiment analysis. Thesis Abstract, Universität zu Köln.

Zellmann, Stefan (2014). Interactive High Performance Volume Rendering. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Esser, Alexander M. ORCID: 0000-0002-5974-2637 (2014). Kompaktierung orthogonaler Zeichnungen - Entwicklung und Analyse eines IP-basierten Algorithmus. Masters thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Ullrich, Oliver (2014). Modellbasierte Parallelisierung von Anwendungen zur Verkehrssimulation - Ein dynamischer und adaptiver Ansatz. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Schmidt, Daniel Rainer (2014). Robust Design of Single-Commodity Networks. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Lüpsen, Haiko (2014). Multiple Mittelwertvergleiche - parametrisch und nichtparametrisch - sowie α-Adjustierungen mit praktischen Anwendungen mit R und SPSS. Technical Report.

Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 and Skutella, Martin (2014). Earliest arrival flows in networks with multiple sinks. Discrete applied mathematics, 164. pp. 320-327. Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISSN 0166-218X

Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 (2014). Kernmengen und Datenstromalgorithmen für das k-means Problem und verwandte Zielfunktionen im Clustering. In: Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2014, pp. 261-270. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI). ISBN 978-3-88579-419-6

Drewitz, Alexander, Ráth, Balázs and Sapozhnikov, Artëm (2014). An Introduction to Random Interlacements. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-05852-8

Drewitz, Alexander and Ramírez, Alejandro F. (2014). Selected Topics in Random Walks in Random Environment. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 69. pp. 23-83. Springer. ISSN 2194-1009

Drewitz, Alexander, Ráth, Balázs and Sapozhnikov, Artëm (2014). On chemical distances and shape theorems in percolation models with long-range correlations. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 55 (8). 083307. AIP Publishing. ISSN 0022-2488

Drewitz, Alexander, Ráth, Balázs and Sapozhnikov, Artëm (2014). Local percolative properties of the vacant set of random interlacements with small intensity. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques, 50 (4). pp. 1165-1197. Duke University Press. ISSN 0246-0203

Drewitz, Alexander, Sousi, Perla and Sun, Rongfeng (2014). Symmetric rearrangements around infinity with applications to Lévy processes. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 158 (3-4). pp. 637-664. Springer. ISSN 0178-8051


Fichtenberger, Hendrik, Gillé, Marc, Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905, Schwiegelshohn, Chris and Sohler, Christian (2013). BICO: BIRCH Meets Coresets for k-Means Clustering. In: Algorithms - ESA 2013 : 21st annual European symposium ; proceedings, pp. 481-492. Berlin: Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-40449-8

Feldman, Dan, Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 and Sohler, Christian (2013). Turning big data into tiny data: Constant-size coresets for k-means, PCA and projective clustering. In: Proceedings of the 2013 Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pp. 1434-1453. New York: SIAM. ISBN 978-1-61197-251-1

Berger, Noam, Drewitz, Alexander and Ramírez, Alejandro F. (2013). Effective Polynomial Ballisticity Conditions for Random Walk in Random Environment. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 67 (12). pp. 1947-1973. Wiley. ISSN 00103640


Groß, Martin, Kappmeier, Jan-Philipp W., Schmidt, Daniel R. ORCID: 0000-0001-7381-912X and Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 (2012). Approximating Earliest Arrival Flows in Arbitrary Networks. In: Algorithms – ESA 2012 : 20th Annual European Symposium, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 10-12, 2012. Proceedings, pp. 551-562. Berlin: Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-33090-2

Lammersen, Christiane, Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 and Sohler, Christian (2012). Probabilistic k-Median Clustering in Data Streams. In: Approximation and Online Algorithms : WAOA 2012, pp. 70-81. Berlin: Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-38016-7

Drewitz, Alexander and Ramírez, Alejandro F. (2012). Quenched exit estimates and ballisticity conditions for higher-dimensional random walk in random environment. The Annals of Probability, 40 (2). pp. 459-534. Duke University Press. ISSN 0091-1798


Schaudt, Oliver (2011). The Structure of Dominating Subgraphs. Thesis Abstract, Universität zu Köln.

Engels, Birgit (2011). A Generalized Network Model for Freight Car Distribution. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Pardella, Gregor Leszek (2011). Efficient Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Special Graph Partitioning Problems. Thesis Abstract, Universität zu Köln.

Drewitz, Alexander, Gärtner, Jürgen, Ramírez, Alejandro F. and Sun, Rongfeng (2011). Survival Probability of a Random Walk Among a Poisson System of Moving Traps. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, 11. pp. 119-158. Springer. ISSN 2190-5614

Drewitz, A. and Ramírez, A. F. (2011). Ballisticity conditions for random walk in random environment. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 150 (1-2). pp. 61-75. Springer. ISSN 0178-8051


Schmidt, Tatjana (2010). Computational Complexity of SAT, XSAT and NAE-SAT for linear and mixed Horn CNF formulas. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 and Skutella, Martin (2010). Earliest Arrival Flows in Networks with Multiple Sinks. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 36. pp. 607-614. Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISSN 1571-0653

Hellweg, Frank, Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 and Sohler, Christian (2010). Testing Euclidean Spanners. In: Algorithms – ESA 2010 : 18th Annual European Symposium, Liverpool, UK, September 6-8, 2010. Proceedings, pp. 60-71. Berlin: Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-15775-2

Hellweg, Frank, Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905 and Sohler, Christian (2010). Testing Euclidean Spanners. In: Property Testing - Current Research and Surveys, pp. 306-311. Berlin [u.a.]: Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-16367-8

Dressler, Daniel, Groß, Martin, Kappmeier, Jan-Philipp, Kelter, Timon, Kulbatzki, Joscha, Plümpe, Daniel ORCID: 0000-0001-7381-912X, Schlechter, Gordon, Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905, Skutella, Martin and Temme, Sylvie (2010). On the use of network flow techniques for assigning evacuees to exits. Procedia Engineering, 3. pp. 205-215. Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier. ISSN 1877-7058

Drewitz, Alexander and Ramírez, Alejandro F. (2010). Asymptotic direction in random walks in random environment revisited. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 24 (2). pp. 212-225. Duke University Press. ISSN 0103-0752


Neuhaus, Stefan (2009). Eigenschaften kleinster dominierender Mengen und Dominanzzahlen von Damengraphen. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Lange, Niels (2009). Ein Alpha-Shape-basiertes Protein-Docking-Verfahren. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Jansen, Thomas, Schmidt, Melanie ORCID: 0000-0003-4856-3905, Sudholt, Dirk, Witt, Carsten and Zarges, Christine (2009). Ingo Wegener. Evolutionary Computation, 17 (1). pp. 1-2. Cambridge: MIT Pr.. ISSN 1530-9304


Rahman, Syed Asad (2008). Pathway Hunter Tool (PHT) � A Platform for Metabolic Network Analysis and Potential Drug Targeting. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Keunecke, Katerina (2008). Produktionsplanung in der Textil verarbeitenden Industrie. Thesis Abstract, Universität zu Köln.

Lemaic, Mile (2008). Markov-Chain-Based Heuristics for the Feedback Vertex Set Problem for Digraphs. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Schulz, Michael (2008). Simultaneous Graph Drawing. Thesis Abstract, Universität zu Köln.

Drewitz, Alexander (2008). Lyapunov exponents for the one-dimensional parabolic Anderson model with drift. Electronic Journal of Probability, 13. pp. 2283-2336. Duke University Press. ISSN 1083-6489


Fuchs, Bernhard (2007). On the Approximability of Range Assignment Problems. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Percan, Merijam (2007). Constrained Planarity and Augmentation Problems. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.


Hagemeier, Christian (2006). Optimale Sternüberdeckungen von Graphen. Thesis Abstract, Universität zu Köln.

Kaderali, Lars (2006). A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach to Regression and its Application to Predicting Survival Times in Cancer. Thesis Abstract, Universität zu Köln.


Hachul, Stefan (2005). A Potential-Field-Based Multilevel Algorithm for Drawing Large Graphs. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Cizek, Jiri (2005). Robust Algorithms for Registration of 3D Images of Human Brain. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Räbiger, Dirk (2005). Semi-Präemptives Transportieren. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Lückemeyer, Gero (2005). A Traffic Simulation System Increasing the Efficiency of Schedule Design for Public Transport Systems Based on Scarce Data. Thesis Abstract, Universität zu Köln.


Eissfeldt, Nils Gustaf (2004). Vehicle-based modelling of traffic . Theory and application to environmental impact modelling. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Liers, Frauke (2004). Contributions to Determining Exact Ground-States of Ising Spin-Glasses and to their Physics. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Chevalier, Thomas (2004). Ein Risikomodell für Bausparkollektive. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.


Buchheim, Christoph (2003). An Integer Programming Approach to Exact and Fuzzy Symmetry Detection. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

Genc, Zülfükar (2003). Ein neuer Ansatz zur Fahrplanoptimierung im ÖPNV: Maximierung von zeitlichen Sicherheitabständen. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.


Gawron, Christian ORCID: 0000-0001-7139-7920 (1998). Simulation-Based Traffic Assignment. Computing user equilibria in large street networks. PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.

This list was generated on Mon Oct 26 01:06:54 2020 CET.