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- DDC classification (23906)
- Agriculture (82)
- Architecture (53)
- Christian theology (521)
- Earth sciences (641)
- Economics (883)
- Education (2873)
- English (173)
- General statistics (83)
- Generalities, Science (369)
- Geography and history (939)
- Geography and travel (178)
- Germanic (1498)
- History of ancient world (660)
- Italic Latin (408)
- Language, Linguistics (1958)
- Law (3941)
- Life sciences (2180)
- Mathematics (543)
- Medical sciences Medicine (1379)
- Military science (3)
- Music (264)
- Other languages (292)
- Philosophy (1073)
- Physics (955)
- Political science (310)
- Psychology (715)
- Public performances (248)
- Romance languages French (397)
- Social sciences (1884)
- Stage presentations (86)
- The arts (491)
- no entry (77)