Engels, Birgit
A Generalized Network Model for Freight Car Distribution.
PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
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We consider the empty freight car distribution problem (DP) at DB Schenker Rail Deutschland AG under a wide range of application relevant constraints and real data sets. The (DP) is an online assignment problem between geographically distributed empty freight car supplies and customer demands for such cars in preparation of good transport. The objective is to minimize transport costs for empty cars while distributing them effectively with respect to the constraints. In our case, one major constraint is given by prescheduled freight trains: obviously a supply can only be assigned to a demand if it reaches the latter in time. Further, the variety of goods (bulk cargo, steel coils, etc.) to be transported requires distinct types of freight cars. Freight cars of a certain type can be exchanged by cars of other types with respect to a given substitution scheme and different 'exchange rates'. Allowed substitutions are therefore another major constraint of the (DP). We describe further `hard' and `soft' constraints and sketch the current work flow at DB Schenker Rail Deutschland AG to find an adequate solution for the (DP) on a daily base in practice. The (DP) is currently solved separately for groups of car types and in several steps. Moreover, some steps contain manual pre- and post-processing to ensure certain constraints. Hence global sub-optimal distributions can occur. We therefore integrate all constraints into a generalized network flow model for the (DP). A global optimal distribution is then provided by an integral minimum cost flow in the network. To find such a flow is NP-hard in general. We show that a general substitution scheme makes our notion of the (DP) also NP-hard. Hence independent of the applied model and with respect to practical runtime requirements, we have to find a compromise between solution time and quality. We do so in two ways. Instances of the (DP) which correspond to classical flow networks are solved by an integral minimum cost flow, which can be obtained in polynomial time. We use such instances to polynomially obtain minimum cost flows of fixed bounded fractionality for certain general instances. For those instances occurring in the application we obtain half-integral flows, which can be rounded to approximate or heuristic distributions in linear time. Moreover, we develop a network-based reoptimization approach, which yields optimal solutions for subsequent instances with few changes very fast. This thesis was inspired and funded by a 2-year research and development project of DB Schenker Rail Deutschland AG in cooperation with the work group Faigle/Schrader of the University of Cologne and the work group of Prof. Dr. Sven O. Krumke at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern. The project included the implementation of the generalized network model and the reoptimization, approximation and heuristic methods. The software is designed as a future optimization kernel for the (DP) at DB Schenker Rail Deutschland AG.
Item Type: | Thesis (PhD thesis) | ||||||||
Translated title: |
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Creators: |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-42621 | ||||||||
Series Name: | Informatik | ||||||||
Date: | June 2011 | ||||||||
Publisher: | Dr. Hut Verlag München | ||||||||
ISBN: | 978-3-86853-991-2 | ||||||||
Language: | English | ||||||||
Faculty: | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences | ||||||||
Divisions: | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences > Department of Mathematics and Computer Science > Institute of Computer Science | ||||||||
Subjects: | Data processing Computer science Commerce, communications, transport Mathematics |
Uncontrolled Keywords: |
Date of oral exam: | 23 May 2011 | ||||||||
Referee: |
Funders: | DB Schenker Rail Deutschland AG | ||||||||
Projects: | F+E-Projekt der DB Schenker Rail Deutschland AG | ||||||||
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Refereed: | Yes | ||||||||
URI: | http://kups.ub.uni-koeln.de/id/eprint/4262 |
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