Beautemps, Jacob and Bresges, André ORCID: 0000-0002-3350-979X (2021). What Comprises a Successful Educational Science YouTube Video? A Five-Thousand User Survey on Viewing Behaviors and Self-Perceived Importance of Various Variables Controlled by Content Creators. Frontiers in Communication, 5. LAUSANNE: Frontiers Media. ISSN 2297-900X

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Educational videos on digital platforms are an attractive way of learning, especially for the younger generation, as they provide easy, personalizable access to a wide variety of content. Allowing for simplified explanations and visual demonstrations, educational videos are highly suitable for scientific content. With 500 h of video content uploaded per minute, YouTube is the most used user-generated video content platform worldwide. This study provides an initial insight into the elements which influence the perceived quality of educational science videos by viewers, with a special focus on natural science videos. In response to a call for study participants via various German natural science and technology YouTube and Instagram channels, over 5,000 participants between the ages of 9 to 72 (M = 18, SD = 8.78) completed a web questionnaire. The questionnaire focused on the participants' viewing behaviors and their self-perception of the importance of the content-creator controlled variables.It was found that there are six key elements for a successful educational YouTube video: 1) structure, 2) reliability, 3) quality, 4) community integration, 5) presenter, 6) topic. Based on these elements, a checklist with 17 recommendations for the creation of successful educational videos was developed, serving as a practical guideline for content creators.

Item Type: Journal Article
CreatorsEmailORCIDORCID Put Code
Bresges, André
URN: urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-564225
DOI: 10.3389/fcomm.2020.600595
Journal or Publication Title: Frontiers in Communication
Volume: 5
Date: 2021
Publisher: Frontiers Media
Place of Publication: LAUSANNE
ISSN: 2297-900X
Language: English
Faculty: Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences > Department of Mathematics and Science Education > Institute of Physics Education
Subjects: no entry
Uncontrolled Keywords:
COMMUNICATIONMultiple languages
CommunicationMultiple languages
Refereed: Yes


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