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Journal Article
Ahmadi, A., Beuther, H., Mottram, J. C., Bosco, F., Linz, H., Henning, Th, Winters, J. M., Kuiper, R., Pudritz, R., Sanchez-Monge, A., Keto, E., Beltran, M., Bontemps, S., Cesaroni, R., Csengeri, T., Feng, S., Galvan-Madrid, R., Johnston, K. G., Klaassen, P., Leurini, S., Longmore, S. N., Lumsden, S., Maud, L. T., Menten, K. M., Moscadelli, L., Motte, F., Palau, A., Peters, T., Ragan, S. E., Schilke, P., Urquhart, J. S., Wyrowski, F. and Zinnecker, H. (2018). Core fragmentation and Toomre stability analysis of W3(H2O) A case study of the IRAM NOEMA large program CORE. Astron. Astrophys., 618. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Beltran, M. T., Cesaroni, R., Rivilla, V. M., Sanchez-Monge, A., Moscadelli, L., Ahmadi, A., Allen, V., Beuther, H., Etoka, S., Galli, D., Galvan-Madrid, R., Goddi, C., Johnston, K. G., Klaassen, P. D., Koelligan, A., Kuiper, R., Kumar, M. S. N., Maud, L. T., Mottram, J. C., Peters, T., Schilke, P., Testi, L., van der Tak, F. and Walmsley, C. M. (2018). Accelerating infall and rotational spin-up in the hot molecular core G31.41+0.31. Astron. Astrophys., 615. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Beltran, M. T., Rivilla, V. M., Cesaroni, R., Galli, D., Moscadelli, L., Ahmadi, A., Beuther, H., Etoka, S., Goddi, C., Klaassen, P. D., Kuiper, R., Kumar, M. S. N., Lorenzani, A., Peters, T., Sanchez-Monge, A., Schilke, P., van der Tak, F. and Vig, S. (2022). The sharp ALMA view of infall and outflow in the massive protocluster G31.41+0.31. Astron. Astrophys., 659. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Beltran, M. T., Rivilla, V. M., Cesaroni, R., Maud, L. T., Galli, D., Moscadelli, L., Lorenzani, A., Ahmadi, A., Beuther, H., Csengeri, T., Etoka, S., Goddi, C., Klaassen, P. D., Kuiper, R., Kumar, M. S. N., Peters, T., Sanchez-Monge, A., Schilke, P., van der Tak, F., Vig, S. and Zinnecker, H. (2021). Fragmentation in the massive G31.41+0.31 protocluster. Astron. Astrophys., 648. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Beuther, H., Bihr, S., Rugel, M., Johnston, K., Wang, Y., Walter, F., Brunthaler, A., Walsh, A. J., Ott, J., Stil, J., Henning, Th., Schierhuber, T., Kainulainen, J., Heyer, M., Goldsmith, P. F., Anderson, L. D., Longmore, S. N., Klessen, R. S., Glover, S. C. O., Urquhart, J. S., Plume, R., Ragan, S. E., Schneider, N., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Menten, K. M., Smith, R., Roy, N., Shanahan, R., Nguyen-Luong, Q. and Bigiel, F. (2016). The HI/OH/Recombination line survey of the inner Milky Way (THOR) Survey overview and data release 1. Astron. Astrophys., 595. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Beuther, H., Gieser, C., Suri, S., Linz, H., Klaassen, P., Semenov, D., Winters, J. M., Henning, Th., Soler, J. D., Urquhart, J. S., Syed, J., Feng, S., Moeller, T., Beltran, M. T., Sanchez-Monge, A., Longmore, S. N., Peters, T., Ballesteros-Paredes, J., Schilke, P., Moscadelli, L., Palau, A., Cesaroni, R., Lumsden, S., Pudritz, R., Wyrowski, F., Kuiper, R. and Ahmadi, A. (2021). Fragmentation and kinematics in high-mass star formation CORE-extension targeting two very young high-mass star-forming regions. Astron. Astrophys., 649. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Beuther, H., Mottram, J. C., Ahmadi, A., Bosco, F., Linz, H., Henning, Th, Klaassen, P., Winters, J. M., Maud, L. T., Kuiper, R., Semenov, D., Gieser, C., Peters, T., Urquhart, J. S., Pudritz, R., Ragan, S. E., Feng, S., Keto, E., Leurini, S., Cesaroni, R., Beltran, M., Palau, A., Sanchez-Monge, A., Galvan-Madrid, R., Zhang, Q., Schilke, P., Wyrowski, F., Johnston, K. G., Longmore, S. N., Lumsden, S., Hoare, M., Menten, K. M. and Csengeri, T. (2018). Fragmentation and disk formation during high-mass star formation IRAM NOEMA (Northern Extended Millimeter Array) large program CORE. Astron. Astrophys., 617. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Beuther, H., Ragan, S. E., Ossenkopf, V., Glover, S., Henning, Th., Linz, H., Nielbock, M., Krause, O., Stutzki, J., Schilke, P. and Guesten, R. (2014). Carbon in different phases ([CII], [CI], and CO) in infrared dark clouds: Cloud formation signatures and carbon gas fractions. Astron. Astrophys., 571. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Beuther, H., Ragan, S. E., Ossenkopf, V., Glover, S., Henning, Th., Linz, H., Nielbock, M., Krause, O., Stutzki, J., Schilke, P. and Guesten, R. (2015). Carbon in different phases ([CII], [CI], and CO) in infrared dark clouds: Cloud formation signatures and carbon gas fractions (vol 571, A53, 2014). Astron. Astrophys., 574. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Beuther, H., Schneider, N., Simon, R., Suri, S., Ossenkopf-Okada, V, Kabanovic, S., Roellig, M., Guevara, C., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Sandell, G., Buchbender, C., Ricken, O. and Guesten, R. (2022). FEEDBACK from the NGC 7538 HII region. Astron. Astrophys., 659. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Beuther, H., Wyrowski, F., Menten, K. M., Winters, J. M., Suri, S., Kim, W. -J., Bouscasse, L., Gieser, C., Sawczuck, M., Christensen, I. B. and Skretas, I. M. (2022). The Cygnus Allscale Survey of Chemistry and Dynamical Environments: CASCADE Overview and first results toward DR20 from the Max Planck IRAM Observatory program (MIOP). Astron. Astrophys., 665. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Bihr, S., Beuther, H., Ott, J., Johnston, K. G., Brunthaler, A., Anderson, L. D., Bigiel, F., Carlhoff, P., Churchwell, E., Glover, S. C. O., Goldsmith, P. F., Heitsch, F., Henning, T., Heyer, M. H., Hill, T., Hughes, A., Klessen, R. S., Linz, H., Longmore, S. N., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Menten, K. M., Motte, F., Nguyen-Lu'o'ng, Q., Plume, R., Ragan, S. E., Roy, N., Schilke, P., Schneider, N., Smith, R. J., Stil, J. M., Urquhart, J. S., Walsh, A. J. and Walter, F. (2015). THOR: The HI, OH, Recombination line survey of the Milky Way The pilot study: HI observations of the giant molecular cloud W43. Astron. Astrophys., 580. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Bosco, F., Beuther, H., Ahmadi, A., Mottram, J. C., Kuiper, R., Linz, H., Maud, L., Winters, J. M., Henning, T., Feng, S., Peters, T., Semenov, D., Klaassen, P. D., Schilke, P., Urquhart, J. S., Beltran, M. T., Lumsden, S. L., Leurini, S., Moscadelli, L., Cesaroni, R., Sanchez-Monge, A., Palau, A., Pudritz, R., Wyrowski, F. and Longmore, S. (2019). Fragmentation, rotation, and outflows in the high-mass star-forming region IRAS 23033+5951 A case study of the IRAM NOEMA large program CORE. Astron. Astrophys., 629. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Carlhoff, P., Luong, Q. Nguyen, Schilke, P., Motte, F., Schneider, N., Beuther, H., Bontemps, S., Heitsch, F., Hill, T., Kramer, C., Ossenkopf, V., Schuller, F., Simon, R. and Wyrowski, F. (2013). Large scale IRAM30 m CO-observations in the giant molecular cloud complex W43. Astron. Astrophys., 560. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Cesaroni, R., Beuther, H., Ahmadi, A., Beltran, M. T., Csengeri, T., Galvan-Madrid, R., Gieser, C., Henning, T., Johnston, K. G., Klaassen, P. D., Kuiper, R., Leurini, S., Linz, H., Longmore, S., Lumsden, S. L., Maud, L. T., Moscadelli, L., Mottram, J. C., Palau, A., Peters, T., Pudritz, R. E., Sanchez-Monge, A., Schilke, P., Semenov, D., Suri, S., Urquhart, J. S., Winters, J. M., Zhang, Q. and Zinnecker, H. (2019). IRAS 23385+6053: an embedded massive cluster in the making. Astron. Astrophys., 627. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Cesaroni, R., Sanchez-Monge, A., Beltran, M. T., Johnston, K. G., Maud, L. T., Moscadelli, L., Mottram, J. C., Ahmadi, A., Allen, V., Beuther, H., Csengeri, T., Etoka, S., Fuller, G. A., Galli, D., Galvan-Madrid, R., Goddi, C., Henning, T., Hoare, M. G., Klaassen, P. D., Kuiper, R., Kumar, M. S. N., Lumsden, S., Peters, T., Rivilla, V. M., Schilke, P., Testi, L., van der Tak, F., Vig, S., Walmsley, C. M. and Zinnecker, H. (2017). Chasing discs around O-type (proto)stars: Evidence from ALMA observations. Astron. Astrophys., 602. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Colombo, D., Duarte-Cabral, A., Pettitt, A. R., Urquhart, J. S., Wyrowski, F., Csengeri, T., Neralwar, K. R., Schuller, F., Menten, K. M., Anderson, L., Barnes, P., Beuther, H., Bronfman, L., Eden, D., Ginsburg, A., Henning, T., Konig, C., Lee, M-Y, Mattern, M., Medina, S., Ragan, S. E., Rigby, A. J., Sanchez-Monge, A., Traficante, A., Yang, A. Y. and Wienen, M. (2022). The SEDIGISM survey: The influence of spiral arms on the molecular gas distribution of the inner Milky Way. Astron. Astrophys., 658. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Csengeri, T., Leurini, S., Wyrowski, F., Urquhart, J. S., Menten, K. M., Walmsley, M., Bontemps, S., Wienen, M., Beuther, H., Motte, F., Nguyen-Luong, Q., Schilke, P., Schuller, F., Zavagno, A. and Sanna, C. (2016). ATLASGAL-selected massive clumps in the inner Galaxy II. Characterisation of different evolutionary stages and their SiO emission. Astron. Astrophys., 586. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Csengeri, T., Weiss, A., Wyrowski, F., Menten, K. M., Urquhart, J. S., Leurini, S., Schuller, F., Beuther, H., Bontemps, S., Bronfman, L., Henning, Th and Schneider, N. (2016). The ATLASGAL survey: distribution of cold dust in the Galactic plane Combination with Planck data. Astron. Astrophys., 585. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Duarte-Cabral, A., Colombo, D., Urquhart, J. S., Ginsburg, A., Russeil, D., Schuller, F., Anderson, L. D., Barnes, P. J., Beltran, M. T., Beuther, H., Bontemps, S., Bronfman, L., Csengeri, T., Dobbs, C. L., Eden, D., Giannetti, A., Kauffmann, J., Mattern, M., Medina, S-N X., Menten, K. M., Lee, M-Y, Pettitt, A. R., Riener, M., Rigby, A. J., Traficante, A., Veena, V. S., Wienen, M., Wyrowski, F., Agurto, C., Azagra, F., Cesaroni, R., Finger, R., Gonzalez, E., Henning, T., Hernandez, A. K., Kainulainen, J., Leurini, S., Lopez, S., Mac-Auliffe, F., Mazumdar, P., Molinari, S., Motte, F., Muller, E., Nguyen-Luong, Q., Parra, R., Perez-Beaupuits, J-P, Montenegro-Montes, F. M., Moore, T. J. T., Ragan, S. E., Sanchez-Monge, A., Sanna, A., Schilke, P., Schisano, E., Schneider, N., Suri, S., Testi, L., Torstensson, K., Venegas, P., Wang, K. and Zavagno, A. (2021). The SEDIGISM survey: molecular clouds in the inner Galaxy. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 500 (3). S. 3027 - 3050. OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. ISSN 1365-2966
Gieser, C., Beuther, H., Semenov, D., Ahmadi, A., Suri, S., Moeller, T., Beltran, M. T., Klaassen, P., Zhang, Q., Urquhart, J. S., Henning, Th., Feng, S., Galvan-Madrid, R., Magalhaes, V. de Souza, Moscadelli, L., Longmore, S., Leurini, S., Kuiper, R., Peters, T., Menten, K. M., Csengeri, T., Fuller, G., Wyrowski, F., Lumsden, S., Sanchez-Monge, A., Maud, L., Linz, H., Palau, A., Schilke, P., Pety, J., Pudritz, R., Winters, J. M. and Pietu, V. (2021). Physical and chemical structure of high-mass star-forming regions Unraveling chemical complexity with CORE: the NOEMA large program. Astron. Astrophys., 648. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Gieser, C., Beuther, H., Semenov, D., Suri, S., Soler, J. D., Linz, H., Syed, J., Henning, Th., Feng, S., Moeller, T., Palau, A., Winters, J. M., Beltran, M. T., Kuiper, R., Moscadelli, L., Klaassen, P., Urquhart, J. S., Peters, T., Longmore, S. N., Sanchez-Monge, A., Galvan-Madrid, R., Pudritz, R. E. and Johnston, K. G. (2022). Clustered star formation at early evolutionary stages Physical and chemical analysis of the young star-forming regions ISOSS J22478+6357 and ISOSS J23053+5953. Astron. Astrophys., 657. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Gieser, C., Semenov, D., Beuther, H., Ahmadi, A., Mottram, J. C., Henning, Th., Beltran, M., Maud, L. T., Bosco, F., Leurini, S., Peters, T., Klaassen, P., Kuiper, R., Feng, S., Urquhart, J. S., Moscadelli, L., Csengeri, T., Lumsden, S., Winters, J. M., Suri, S., Zhang, Q., Pudritz, R., Palau, A., Menten, K. M., Galvan-Madrid, R., Wyrowski, F., Schilke, P., Sanchez-Monge, A., Linz, H., Johnston, K. G., Jimenez-Serra, I., Longmore, S. and Moeller, T. (2019). Chemical complexity in high-mass star formation An observational and modeling case study of the AFGL2591 VLA3 hot core. Astron. Astrophys., 631. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Guevara, C., Stutzki, J., Ossenkopf-Okada, V, Simon, R., Perez-Beaupuits, J. P., Beuther, H., Bihr, S., Higgins, R., Graf, U. and Guesten, R. (2020). [C II] 158 mu m self-absorption and optical depth effects. Astron. Astrophys., 636. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Johnston, K. G., Beuther, H., Linz, H., Schmiedeke, A., Ragan, S. E. and Henning, Th. (2014). The dynamics and star-forming potential of the massive Galactic centre cloud G0.253+0.016. Astron. Astrophys., 568. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Leurini, S., Gusdorf, A., Wyrowski, F., Codella, C., Csengeri, T., van der Tak, F., Beuther, H., Flower, D. R., Comito, C. and Schilke, P. (2014). Water emission from the high-mass star-forming region IRAS 17233-3606. Astron. Astrophys., 564. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Lippok, N., Launhardt, R., Henning, Th., Balog, Z., Beuther, H., Kainulainen, J., Krause, O., Linz, H., Nielbock, M., Ragan, S. E., Robitaille, T. P., Sadavoy, S. I. and Schmiedeke, A. (2016). Earliest phases of star formation (EPoS) Dust temperature distributions in isolated starless cores. Astron. Astrophys., 592. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Maud, L. T., Cesaroni, R., Kumar, M. S. N., Rivilla, V. M., Ginsburg, A., Klaassen, P. D., Harsono, D., Sanchez-Monge, A., Ahmadi, A., Allen, V, Beltran, M. T., Beuther, H., Galvan-Madrid, R., Goddi, C., Hoare, M. G., Hogerheijde, M. R., Johnston, K. G., Kuiper, R., Moscadelli, L., Peters, T., Testi, L., van der Tak, F. F. S. and de Wit, W. J. (2019). Substructures in the Keplerian disc around the O-type (proto-)star G17.64+0.16. Astron. Astrophys., 627. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Maud, L. T., Cesaroni, R., Kumar, M. S. N., van der Tak, F. F. S., Allen, V., Hoare, M. G., Klaassen, P. D., Harsono, D., Hogerheijde, M. R., Sanchez-Monge, A., Schilke, P., Ahmadi, A., Beltran, M. T., Beuther, H., Csengeri, T., Etoka, S., Fuller, G., Galvan-Madrid, R., Goddi, C., Henning, Th., Johnston, K. G., Kuiper, R., Lumsden, S., Moscadelli, L., Mottram, J. C., Peters, T., Rivilla, V. M., Testi, L., Vig, S., de Wit, W. J. and Zinnecker, H. (2018). Chasing discs around O-type (proto)stars. Astron. Astrophys., 620. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Moscadelli, L., Beuther, H., Ahmadi, A., Gieser, C., Massi, F., Cesaroni, R., Sanchez-Monge, A., Bacciotti, F., Beltran, M. T., Csengeri, T., Galvan-Madrid, R., Henning, Th., Klaassen, P. D., Kuiper, R., Leurini, S., Longmore, S. N., Maud, L. T., Moeller, T., Palau, A., Peters, T., Pudritz, R. E., Sanna, A., Semenov, D., Urquhart, J. S., Winters, J. M. and Zinnecker, H. (2021). Multi-scale view of star formation in IRAS 21078+5211: from clump fragmentation to disk wind. Astron. Astrophys., 647. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Moscadelli, L., Rivilla, V. M., Cesaroni, R., Beltran, M. T., Sanchez-Monge, A., Schilke, P., Mottram, J. C., Ahmadi, A., Allen, V., Beuther, H., Csengeri, T., Etoka, S., Galli, D., Goddi, C., Johnston, K. G., Klaassen, P. D., Kuiper, R., Kumar, M. S. N., Maud, L. T., Moeller, T., Peters, T., Van der Tak, F. and Vig, S. (2018). The feedback of an HC H-II region on its parental molecular core The case of core A1 in the star-forming region G24.78+0.08. Astron. Astrophys., 616. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Motte, F., Luong, Q. Nguyen, Schneider, N., Heitsch, F., Glover, S., Carlhoff, P., Hill, T., Bontemps, S., Schilke, P., Louvet, F., Hennemann, M., Didelon, P. and Beuther, H. (2014). The formation of the W43 complex: constraining its atomic-to-molecular transition and searching for colliding clouds. Astron. Astrophys., 571. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Neralwar, K. R., Colombo, D., Duarte-Cabral, A., Urquhart, J. S., Mattern, M., Wyrowski, F., Menten, K. M., Barnes, P., Sanchez-Monge, A., Beuther, H., Rigby, A. J., Mazumdar, P., Eden, D., Csengeri, T., Dobbs, C. L., Veena, V. S., Neupane, S., Henning, T., Schuller, F., Leurini, S., Wienen, M., Yang, A. Y., Ragan, S. E., Medina, S. and Nguyen-Luong, Q. (2022). The SEDIGISM survey: Molecular cloud morphology I. Classification and star formation. Astron. Astrophys., 663. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Nguyen, H., Rugel, M. R., Murugeshan, C., Menten, K. M., Brunthaler, A., Urquhart, J. S., Dokara, R., Dzib, S. A., Gong, Y., Khan, S., Medina, S-N X., Ortiz-Leon, G. N., Reich, W., Wyrowski, F., Yang, A. Y., Beuther, H., Cotton, W. D. and Pandian, J. D. (2022). A global view on star formation: The GLOSTAR Galactic plane survey V. 6.7 GHz methanol maser catalogue. Astron. Astrophys., 666. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Nguyen-Lu'o'ng, Q., Anderson, L. D., Motte, F., Kim, Kee-Tae ORCID: 0000-0003-2412-7092, Schilke, P., Carlhoff, P., Beuther, H., Schneider, N., Didelon, P., Kramer, C., Louvet, F., Nony, T., Bihr, S., Rugel, M., Soler, J., Wang, Y., Bronfman, L., Simon, R., Menten, K. M., Wyrowski, F. and Walmsley, C. M.
Large-scale Map of Millimeter-wavelength Hydrogen Radio Recombination Lines around a Young Massive Star Cluster.
Astrophys. J. Lett., 844 (2).
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Nielbock, M., Launhardt, R., Steinacker, J., Stutz, A. M., Balog, Z., Beuther, H., Bouwman, J., Henning, Th., Hily-Blant, P., Kainulainen, J., Krause, O., Linz, H., Lippok, N., Ragan, S., Risacher, C. and Schmiedeke, A. (2012). The Earliest Phases of Star formation (EPoS) observed with Herschel: the dust temperature and density distributions of B68. Astron. Astrophys., 547. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 0004-6361
Olguin, F. A., Hoare, M. G., Johnston, K. G., Motte, F., Chen, H-R, V, Beuther, H., Mottram, J. C., Ahmadi, A., Gieser, C., Semenov, D., Peters, T., Palau, A., Klaassen, P. D., Kuiper, R., Sanchez-Monge, A. and Henning, Th (2020). Multiwavelength modelling of the circumstellar environment of the massive protostar AFGL 2591 VLA 3. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 498 (4). S. 4721 - 4745. OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. ISSN 1365-2966
Ragan, S., Henning, Th., Krause, O., Pitann, J., Beuther, H., Linz, H., Tackenberg, J., Balog, Z., Hennemann, M., Launhardt, R., Lippok, N., Nielbock, M., Schmiedeke, A., Schuller, F., Steinacker, J., Stutz, A. and Vasyunina, T. (2012). The Earliest Phases of Star Formation (EPoS): a Herschel key program The precursors to high-mass stars and clusters. Astron. Astrophys., 547. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 0004-6361
Rugel, M. R., Beuther, H., Bihr, S., Wang, Y., Ott, J., Brunthaler, A., Walsh, A., Glover, S. C. O., Goldsmith, P. F., Anderson, L. D., Schneider, N., Menten, K. M., Raganu, S. E., Urquhart, J. S., Klessen, R. S., Soler, J. D., Roy, N., Kainulainen, J., Henning, T., Bigiel, F., Smith, R. J., Wyrowski, F. and Longmore, S. N. (2018). OH absorption in the first quadrant of the Milky Way as seen by THOR. Astron. Astrophys., 618. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Schmalzl, M., Launhardt, R., Stutz, A. M., Linz, H., Bourke, T. L., Beuther, H., Henning, Th., Krause, O., Nielbock, M. and Schmiedeke, A. (2014). The Earliest Phases of Star formation (EPoS) Temperature, density, and kinematic structure of the star-forming core CB 17. Astron. Astrophys., 569. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Schneider, N., Simon, R., Guevara, C., Buchbender, C., Higgins, R. D., Okada, Y., Stutzki, J., Guesten, R., Anderson, L. D., Bally, J., Beuther, H., Bonne, L., Bontemps, S., Chambers, E., Csengeri, T., Graf, U. U., Gusdorf, A., Jacobs, K., Justen, M., Kabanovic, S., Karim, R., Luisi, M., Menten, K., Mertens, M., Mookerjea, B., Ossenkopf-Okada, V., Pabst, C., Pound, M. W., Richter, H., Reyes, N., Ricken, O., Roellig, M., Russeil, D., Sanchez-Monge, A., Sandell, G., Tiwari, M., Wiesemeyer, H., Wolfire, M., Wyrowski, F., Zavagno, A. and Tielens, A. G. G. M. (2020). FEEDBACK: a SOFIA Legacy Program to Study Stellar Feedback in Regions of Massive Star Formation. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 132 (1016). BRISTOL: IOP PUBLISHING LTD. ISSN 1538-3873
Schuller, F., Csengeri, T., Urquhart, J. S., Duarte-Cabral, A., Barnes, P. J., Giannetti, A., Hernandez, A. K., Leurini, S., Mattern, M., Medina, S. -N. X., Agurto, C., Azagra, F., Anderson, L. D., Beltran, M. T., Beuther, H., Bontemps, S., Bronfman, L., Dobbs, C. L., Dumke, M., Finger, R., Ginsburg, A., Gonzalez, E., Henning, T., Kauffmann, J., Mac-Auliffe, F., Menten, K. M., Montenegro-Montes, F. M., Moore, T. J. T., Muller, E., Parra, R., Perez-Beaupuits, J. -P., Pettitt, A., Russeil, D., Sanchez-Monge, A., Schilke, P., Schisano, E., Suri, S., Testi, L., Torstensson, K., Venegas, P., Wang, K., Wienen, M., Wyrowski, F. and Zavagno, A. (2017). SEDIGISM: Structure, excitation, and dynamics of the inner Galactic interstellar medium. Astron. Astrophys., 601. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Schuller, F., Urquhart, J. S., Csengeri, T., Colombo, D., Duarte-Cabral, A., Mattern, M., Ginsburg, A., Pettitt, A. R., Wyrowski, F., Anderson, L., Azagra, F., Barnes, P., Beltran, M., Beuther, H., Billington, S., Bronfman, L., Cesaroni, R., Dobbs, C., Eden, D., Lee, M-Y, Medina, S-N X., Menten, K. M., Moore, T., Montenegro-Montes, F. M., Ragan, S., Rigby, A., Riener, M., Russeil, D., Schisano, E., Sanchez-Monge, A., Traficante, A., Zavagno, A., Agurto, C., Bontemps, S., Finger, R., Giannetti, A., Gonzalez, E., Hernandez, A. K., Henning, T., Kainulainen, J., Kauffmann, J., Leurini, S., Lopez, S., Mac-Auliffe, F., Mazumdar, P., Molinari, S., Motte, F., Muller, E., Nguyen-Luong, Q., Parra, R., Perez-Beaupuits, J-P, Schilke, P., Schneider, N., Suri, S., Testi, L., Torstensson, K., Veena, V. S., Venegas, P., Wang, K. and Wienen, M. (2021). The SEDIGISM survey: First Data Release and overview of the Galactic structure. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 500 (3). S. 3064 - 3083. OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. ISSN 1365-2966
Seifried, D., Beuther, H., Walch, S., Syed, J., Soler, J. D., Girichidis, P. and Wuensch, R. (2022). On the accuracy of H I observations in molecular clouds - More cold H I than thought? Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 512 (4). S. 4765 - 4785. OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. ISSN 1365-2966
Soler, J. D., Beuther, H., Rugel, M., Wang, Y., Clark, P. C., Glover, S. C. O., Goldsmith, P. F., Heyer, M., Anderson, L. D., Goodman, A., Henning, Th., Kainulainen, J., Klessen, R. S., Longmore, S. N., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Menten, K. M., Mottram, J. C., Ott, J., Ragan, S. E., Smith, R. J., Urquhart, J. S., Bigiel, F., Hennebelle, P., Roy, N. and Schilke, P. (2019). Histogram of oriented gradients: a technique for the study of molecular cloud formation. Astron. Astrophys., 622. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Soler, J. D., Beuther, H., Syed, J., Wang, Y., Anderson, L. D., Glover, S. C. O., Hennebelle, P., Heyer, M., Henning, Th., Izquierdo, A. F., Klessen, R. S., Linz, H., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Ott, J., Ragan, S. E., Rugel, M., Schneider, N., Smith, R. J., Sormani, M. C., Stil, J. M., Tress, R. and Urquhart, J. S. (2020). The history of dynamics and stellar feedback revealed by the HI filamentary structure in the disk of the Milky Way. Astron. Astrophys., 642. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Suri, S., Beuther, H., Gieser, C., Ahmadi, A., Sanchez-Monge, A., Winters, J. M., Linz, H., Henning, Th, Beltran, M. T., Bosco, F., Cesaroni, R., Csengeri, T., Feng, S., Hoare, M. G., Johnston, K. G., Klaassen, P., Kuiper, R., Leurini, S., Longmore, S., Lumsden, S., Maud, L., Moscadelli, L., Moeller, T., Palau, A., Peters, T., Pudritz, R. E., Ragan, S. E., Semenov, D., Schilke, P., Urquhart, J. S., Wyrowski, F. and Zinnecker, H. (2021). Disk fragmentation in high-mass star formation High-resolution observations towards AFGL 2591-VLA 3. Astron. Astrophys., 655. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Syed, J., Soler, J. D., Beuther, H., Wang, Y., Suri, S., Henshaw, J. D., Riener, M., Bialy, S., Rezaei Kh, S., Stil, J. M., Goldsmith, P. F., Rugel, M. R., Glover, S. C. O., Klessen, R. S., Kerp, J., Urquhart, J. S., Ott, J., Roy, N., Schneider, N., Smith, R. J., Longmore, S. N. and Linz, H. (2022). The Maggie filament: Physical properties of a giant atomic cloud. Astron. Astrophys., 657. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Tackenberg, J., Beuther, H., Henning, Th, Linz, H., Sakai, T., Ragan, S. E., Krause, O., Nielbock, M., Hennemann, M., Pitann, J. and Schmiedeke, A. (2014). Kinematic structure of massive star-forming regions I. Accretion along filaments. Astron. Astrophys., 565. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
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Wang, Y., Beuther, H., Schneider, N., Meidt, S. E., Linz, H., Ragan, S., Zucker, C., Battersby, C., Soler, J. D., Schinnerer, E., Bigiel, F., Colombo, D. and Henning, Th (2020). Dense gas in a giant molecular filament. Astron. Astrophys., 641. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Wang, Y., Bihr, S., Beuther, H., Rugel, M. R., Soler, J. D., Ott, J., Kainulainen, J., Schneider, N., Klessen, R. S., Glover, S. C. O., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Goldsmith, P. F., Johnston, K. G., Menten, K. M., Ragan, S., Anderson, L. D., Urquhart, J. S., Linz, H., Roy, N., Smith, R. J., Bigiel, F., Henning, T. and Longmore, S. N. (2020). Cloud formation in the atomic and molecular phase: H I self absorption (HISA) towards a giant molecular filament. Astron. Astrophys., 634. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Widmann, F., Beuther, H., Schilke, P. and Stanke, T. (2016). SiO: Not the perfect outflow tracer Outflow studies of the massive star formation region IRAS 19410+2336. Astron. Astrophys., 589. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
Yang, A. Y., Urquhart, J. S., Wyrowski, F., Thompson, M. A., Koenig, C., Colombo, D., Menten, K. M., Duarte-Cabral, A., Schuller, F., Csengeri, T., Eden, D., Barnes, P., Traficante, A., Bronfman, L., Sanchez-Monge, A., Ginsburg, A., Cesaroni, R., Lee, M-Y, Beuther, H., Medina, S-N X., Mazumdar, P. and Henning, T. (2022). The SEDIGISM survey: A search for molecular outflows. Astron. Astrophys., 658. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746
van Gelder, M. L., Tabone, B., Tychoniec, L., van Dishoeck, E. F., Beuther, H., Boogert, A. C. A., Garatti, A. Caratti O., Klaassen, P. D., Linnartz, H., Mueller, H. S. P. and Taquet, V (2020). Complex organic molecules in low-mass protostars on Solar System scales I. Oxygen-bearing species. Astron. Astrophys., 639. LES ULIS CEDEX A: EDP SCIENCES S A. ISSN 1432-0746