Tsui, Chi Yan
A Multiscale Analysis Method and its Application to Mesoscale Rainfall System.
PhD thesis, Universität zu Köln.
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Heavy rainfall events often occur over southeastern China and the central United States during the summer rainy seasons. The common features of heavy rainfall events in both regions are the low level jets (LLJ) originated from the nearby seas and their associated mesoscale convective systems (MCS). This kind of events has been investigated in terms of synoptic forcing. However, the mechanism of producing rainfall is still unclear as multi-scale interactions are involved. To better understand the mechanism for the heavy rainfall events, this study develops a multi-scale analysis method and applies it to a rainfall event in southeastern China. A conceptual model for the heavy rainfall system (HRS), is proposed. The HRS consists of a LLJ and an upper level jet (ULJ), MCS and cumulus. The three components are presented based on the observations and analysis in previous studies. These components represent respectively large, middle and small scale motions. Governing equation sets of these three scales are derived by using successive filtering. Cross-scale terms in the resultant equations represent the interactions between the scales. The proposed mechanism can then be explained by use of three simplified equations, corresponding to the jets (large scale), MCS (middle scale) and cumulus (small scale). The simplified equations are obtained through dimensional analysis and only the terms essential to the MCS are retained. With these equations, it is found that an ageostrophic circulation developed between the jets. LLJ’s ageostrophy in the exit region is associated with the vertical mesoscale momentum flux divergence and the deceleration of the jet. Upward momentum transport originated from the cyclonic side of the LLJ reaches the upper atmosphere on the cyclonic side of the ULJ. This momentum transport constitutes the upward branch of the ageostrophic circulation. The downward branch of this circulation is formed by the downward momentum transport from the anti-cyclonic side of the ULJ due to its ageostrophy and it contributes to the momentum flux divergence near the anti-cyclonic side of the LLJ. The mesoscale momentum flux divergence can intensify the jet stream in the entrance region of LLJ. As a result, a closed mesoscale ageostrophic dynamic circulation is formed between the large-scale jets sustaining the LLJ, which in turn keeps supplying large scale moisture for the MCS circulation and small-scale cumuli. The dynamic circulation can also be strengthened by the thermodynamic processes that occur on meso- to small scales. At the LLJ level, at the location of MCS, the ascent is enhanced due to the increase of buoyancy. The buoyancy is associated with the mesoscale heat flux divergence, and this heat flux divergence is associated with the corresponding counterpart of latent heat. The related mesoscale condensation is contributed by small scale cumulus moisture flux divergence and the MCS itself. A reverse process occurs in the downward branch of the circulation with evaporation. As a result, the whole circulation is strengthened. A numerical experiment with the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) was used to verify the aforementioned hypothesis. A heavy rainfall event on 13 June 2008 over Southeastern China was simulated. The model results from the parent and two nested domains with resolutions corresponding to large, middle and small scales were used in this event. To investigate the significance of the terms in the simplified equations, the quantities related to the jets, MCS and cumulus were computed and the terms related to the essential interactions were evaluated. Overall, the analysis results were consistent with the proposed mechanism. An ageostrophic circulation was found between LLJ and ULJ. The ascents were enhanced due to mesoscale latent heat flux divergence, and thus the circulation was strengthened. This mesoscale latent heat flux divergence was contributed by the condensation on the corresponding scale. Cumulus moisture tended to condense on mesoscale and so the small scale latent heat accumulated on mesoscale. The cumulus heat which was vertically transported on mesoscale was insignificant to the mesoscale heat flux divergence. To sum up, HRS is a collaboration of sub-systems with scales from global to mirco. In summer seasons, ULJ migrates southward to the exit region of the LLJ. When the exit regions of both jets are close to each other, the circulation associated with the jets’ ageostrophy is triggered. Momentum is transported on mesoscale between the jets, and the LLJ is intensified (weakened) in its entrance (exit) region. The associated ascending motion is enhanced by the mesoscale heat flux divergence above the LLJ level, where the MCS and heavy precipitation are located. Large scale moisture is transported horizontally by LLJ, and vertically transport occurs mainly on small cumulus scale below the jet level and on mesoscale above the jet level.
Item Type: | Thesis (PhD thesis) | ||||||||
Translated abstract: |
Creators: |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-59544 | ||||||||
Date: | 27 January 2015 | ||||||||
Language: | English | ||||||||
Faculty: | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences | ||||||||
Divisions: | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences > Department of Geosciences > Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology | ||||||||
Subjects: | Natural sciences and mathematics Earth sciences |
Uncontrolled Keywords: |
Date of oral exam: | 17 October 2014 | ||||||||
Referee: |
Funders: | Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) | ||||||||
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Refereed: | Yes | ||||||||
URI: | http://kups.ub.uni-koeln.de/id/eprint/5954 |
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